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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


The most typical form is an Adverb. We call this “extension”, because an adverb, according to the definition given, is a word that adds to or extends the meaning of the word with which it is connected.

Two points should be noticed:

(1) In the analysis of sentences (not in parsing, which is a different kind of operation), extension applies only to the Finite verb of its own clause if an adverb or adverb-equivalent belongs to any part of a sentence except the Finite verb.

(2) “Extension” means the same thing as “enlargement”. But as one relates to the Finite verb, and the other to the Nominative or its equivalent, it is convenient in analysing sentences to give them separate names.

Enlargement and Extension are sometimes called by the name of Adjunct, the former being of course adjectival the latter adverbial.

(1) Adverb. – He slept soundly.

(2) Prep, with object. – He slept for six hours.

(3) Qualifying Infin. – He came to see the horse.

(4) Adverbial accusative. – Bind him hand and foot.

(5) Absolute phrase. – We all set off, he remaining behind.

(6) Adverb-Clause. – We all set on, while he remained behind.

Ex.4. Analyse each of the following sentences and say whether it is Simple or Complex:

1. He was the only son left to his widowed mother.

2. The sun is darting its rays from the edge of that cloud.

3. The king himself was willing to surrender.

4. The firm sent him out on a voyage of discovery.

5. Who steals my purse steals trash.

6. He deserves all the success that he can get.

7. The earnest endeavour of the Czar was to secure peace.

8. He called them up to explain to them his decision.

9. What to say or do at such-a time was a puzzle.

10. Sir Isaac Newton explained the ebb and flow of the tides.

11. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

12. This is what they call a very modest request.

13. The thief was ordered to be locked up.

14. The night being now far spent, we must go no further.

15. The father and I sought the sorrowing.

16. It is easy to be wise after the event.

17. Whatever he says is right in his own opinion.

18. I cannot foresee what the consequences will be.

19. They sat themselves down on the bank to rest.

20. Fare thee well!—Byron.

21. Why is there so much wailing on board your ship?

22. They found the soldiers encamped on Salisbury Plain.

23. There are very few houses to let in this town.

24. They questioned him eagerly about the voyage.

25. It is never too late to mend.

26. The righteous shall be bad in everlasting remembrance.

27. He gave his eldest son the first choice.

28. Praising a man is not always to his benefit.

29. He told me with much sorrow what he had done.

30. I hope soon to take up the study of history.

31. He who complies against his will is of the same opinion still.

32. Being so far from her own country, she begged me to cake her back in my ship.

33. The above remarks are well worthy of attention.

34. I prefer riding a bicycle to riding a horse.

35. The old woman told him the sad story weeping.

36. One day he went to work in the garden.

37. His father died when he was ten years old.

38. He failed to fulfil his engagement punctually.

39. To place pleasure before duty is the mark of a fool.

40. I never knew any one so difficult to manage.

41. What puzzles me most is his quickness of hand.

42. My friend’s carpenter’s health has improved since yesterday.

43. The life of a hunter has no attractions for me.

44. He told me how, when, and where to find the thief.

45. I am not able to satisfy your curiosity.

46. Shortly after, he fitted out another ship for himself.

47. Youth and experience seldom exist together.

48. Digging is a very healthy form of exercise.

49. His jealousy for the honour of his calling is commendable.

50. How to answer such a question is beyond me.

51. I will tell you when I feel better.

52. I begin to feel better already.

53. The hope that he will soon recover is groundless.

54. That tree is above a hundred feet high.

55. I cannot satisfy your curiosity.

56. He walked ten miles without once sitting down.

57. What you have still to learn is perseverance.

58. The poor are always amongst us.

59. He ought not to have left his friend in the lurch.

60. How much do these poor men owe you?

61. The sailors overslept themselves next morning.

62. A thief should not go unpunished.

63. We were afloat on the river by 4 o’clock.

64. The result that we had so long waited for is out at last.

65. Though all his friends deserted him, he stood firm.

66. Why are all these men in such a hurry?

67. The innocent often suffer for the guilty.

68. Many of us had no sleep last night.

69. My son has learnt how to ride a bicycle.

70. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

71. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

72. Two hundred workmen have gone on strike.

73. What you offer to do is not what I want.

74. They appointed him trustee of the estate.

75. The ship having anchored, we can go ashore.

76. Alexander the Great, the son of Philip, conquered the king of Persia.

77. A man to carry my box must be sent for.

78. How he could have made such a mistake is a mystery.

79. There is no happiness without health.

80. A resting place could not be found.

81. What has made him so down-hearted is unknown to us.

82. To work and rest alternately is the common lot of man.

83. He loved nothing but vain and foolish pursuits.

84. He does not deserve to be more liberally treated.

85. Jonathan, the friend of David, refused the kingdom.

86. The excuse he made was not accepted.

87. God’s ways are different from ours.

88. Ail men think ail men mortal but themselves.

89. Those days have passed never to return.

90. However much you may try you will not deceive me.

91. He went away meditating on what he had heard.

92. To start in business without capital is almost impossible.

93. The firm has taken me into partnership.

94. On the completion of his schooling he was sent out to one of the colonies.

95. The last voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh was to the Orinoco river.

96. What we have seen is not what we expected.

97. The evil which men do lives after them.

98. The good is often interfered with their bones.

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