1. Speak of the text, stating whether it contains an episode, a description of society, a portrayal of some individuals, etc. Is it humorous, pathetic, dramatic, or satiric?
2. Where is the scene laid?
3. Characterize the personages, paying a special attention to the central figure. To what section of society do they belong? What is their opinion of their own country and of Europe? Is their conduct consistent with their ideas? (Mark especially the general’s reaction on learning that his new acquaintance, Martin, had been obliged to take his passage in the steerage.)
4. What deductions as to the nature and the views of these people can be drawn from their words and behaviour? What is the author driving at by portraying such people?
5. Observe the role of speech characterization (речевая характеристика) – one of Dickens’s methods of character-drawing. What is General Fladdock’s manner of speech? Is it simple, lofty, pompous? Prove your statement by some examples.
6. What sides of Dickens’s genius are revealed in this particular description? Does it show Dickens the satirist or Dickens the sentimentalist? Dickens the brilliant story-teller or Dickens the master of character-drawing?