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Verbal Categories.

1. The Category of Voice:both the Gerund and the Infinitive have forms which show the direction of the action.

Eg: She doesn’t want to go to bed.

She doesn’t want to be worried.

She has no intention of doing this work.

I have no intention of being fooled.

The category of voice shows whether the action comes from the agent or directed to the agent. It is a grammatical form expressing whether the agent of the action is the subject or object of the sentence. We find a great number of cases where the active forms of the Gerund or Infinitive are used with clear passive meaning.

Eg: He is a graduate to be appointed to this vacancy.

There was no one to apply for help.

In the attributive and predicative functions we practically always use the indefinite infinitive.

Eg: We are to go through difficulties.

The house was to let.

The management was to blame for mutual non-payments.

The objective gerund is very often active in form though passive in meaning.

Eg: The job is worth taking.

The work in the office needs readjusting and redesigning.

The child needs feeding up.

2. The Category of Aspect:It characterizes the action as limited in time and taking place at a given moment.

Eg: The world seems to be intergrating.

3. The Category of Tense. The tense form of the Infinitive can be understood only from the point of view of the finite form of the verb. In fact the tense forms of the Infinitive are used relatively: the present Infinitive denotes simultaneousness in the present, past or future: the indefinite infinitive can denote the relative future when it is used after such verbs as: to want, to plan, to intend.

Eg: I meant to do it but I forgot (relative future to a past action).

The perfect infinitive denotes priority which may be priority to a past action, present or future.

Eg: I was glad to have spoken to her.

The prefect infinitive can be used without temporal meaning.

Eg: I was glad to have passed the interview (priority).

I was to have developed the activity at the assigned territory (no meaning of priority).

He was to have been the last to leave the site (indication that the action didn’t take place).

The tense forms of the Infinitive may be used absolutely. In this case the indefinite infinitive refers the action to the present or to the future, and the perfect infinitive refers to the past. The tense forms of the Infinitive are used absolutely when the Infinitive follows a modal verb in Subj.ΙΙ or in the meaning of supposition. The modal verbs have only one form of Subj.ΙΙ that means that this form has no temporal meaning. If we use the perfect infinitive it refers the action to the past.

Eg: I could have helped you, but I ignored it, sorry.

Modal verbs in the meaning of supposition have no temporal meaning. The difference between “may” and “might” is not temporal but in the degree of probability.

Eg: I may be available at any time.

I might be available at any time.

I could give you a lift.

I could have given you a lift (refers the action to the past).

Modal verbs have only one form of the Oblique Mood coinciding with the form of the past tense: the form has no temporal meaning because it is the only one. The indefinite infinitive used in combination with a modal verb in Subj.ΙΙ refers the action to the present or future. The perfect infinitive refers it to the past. Modal verbs in the meaning of supposition have no tense forms. “Must” has in general one form, and the forms “may” and “might” in the sentences differ not in the temporal meaning but in the degree of probability.

He may come.

Он может придти.

He might come.

Он всё-таки может придти.

In such sentences the difference is not temporal:

With the verbs “can” and “could”, “will” and “would” expressing supposition there is no difference in the form (either modal or temporal).

Eg: Can it be true? Неужели это правда?

Could it be true? Неужели это правда?


Eg: That will be the building you are looking for.

The difference in form carries no difference in meaning.

Modal verbs in the meaning of supposition have no temporal meaning of their own. It is the infinitive which refers the action to the present or past.

Eg: He is supposed to open the account.

He was supposed to close the account.

When the infinitive is used with a modal verb in the form of Subj.ΙΙ it acquires the temporal meaning.

Eg: I wish he might come.

I wish he could have come.

The form of the infinitive points to the present or past in these sentences.

The tenses of the Gerund are relative but there is a tendency in modern English not to use the perfect gerund especially in the objective function.

Eg: I remember seeing him there (not having seen).

Consequently, it’s possible to say that the Gerund is losing the category of tense.

Читайте також:

  1. Nonverbal Messages
  2. Verbal Messages

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