The first Congress of the world movement International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) was held in the USA in 1981. About 100 delegates from 11 countries participated in its work. By and by this movement became stronger and stronger, more and more physicians joining it.
To maintain life on Earth — such was the motto of the 6th Congress of the world movement International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War that took place in Cologne in 1986. Over 3,000 delegates from 53 countries discussed the problems involved in ridding mankind of the ghost of "the last plague" the nuclear war could become.
In 1983 at the Congress in Amsterdam an addition was introduced into Hippocrates Oath, which reads as follows: "As a physicion of the twentieth century, realizing that nuclear weapon is an unprecedented challenge to my profession, that nuclear war will be the last epidemic for the manking, I will do my best to prevent nuclear war". The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the 15-th of November 1983 approved this addition to be included into the official text of the Oath of a Physician of the Soviet Union.
the Job will be reserved — работа будет сохранена
dispenser system—система диспансеризации
treasure — зд. достояние
VI. Подготовьте доклад на тему: "Советское здравоохранение".