Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
1.всесвітня політична карта; 2. межувати з; 3. морські кордони; 4. чорноземні степи; 5. поділятися на; 6. вздовж узбережжя; 7. півострів; 8. міське населення; 9. сільське населення; 10. над рівнем моря.
Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. to be washed by a) фауна
2. the total length b) сприятливий
3. picturesque slopes c) омиватися
4. the major rivers d) столиця
5. a representative e) загальна довжина
6. to be covered with f) луг
7. fauna g) мальовничі схили
8. a meadow h) покриватися
9. a capital i) представник
10. favourable j) головні річки
Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.
1. The total length of the frontiers is 6.500 kilometres including the…..
2. In the…Ukraine there are black-soil steppelands.
3. The main territory of Ukraine is…, but 5% of it make up mountains.
4. The Carpathians are situated in…
5. The Crimean mountains….about 150km…of the Black Sea.
6. The Crimea is…located in the South of Ukraine.
Flat; a peninsula; eastern and central; sea frontiers; stretch for; Europe; along the coast.
Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.
1. What countries does Ukraine border on?
2. What is the total length of the country’s frontiers?
3. What are the major Ukrainian rivers?
4. How many people live in Ukraine?
5. What is the geographical position of Ukraine favorable for?