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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

The University of San Francisco (1634)

The founding of the University of San Francisco is connected with the establishment of the Jesuit Order in California, European immigration to the western United States, and the population growth of California and San Francisco as a result of the California Gold Rush.

The University of San Francisco began as a one-room schoolhouse named Saint Ignatius Academy. The institution's founding president was Anthony Maraschi, a Jesuit from northern Italy, who was teaching "mental philosophy" and received permission from Archbishop to build a Jesuit church and school. When Maraschi asked the archbishop to designate a spot, his Grace pointed to a stretch of sand dunes and, with a sweep of his hand toward the unoccupied land, said "any place over there." Maraschi chose a few sand dunes in the south and proclaimed "Here, in time, will be the heart of a great city." Maraschi borrowed money and built a church, a Jesuit residence, and a wooden frame building about 26 feet long by 16 feet wide, the first home of Saint Ignatius Academy. On October 15, 1855, the school opened its doors to its first class, which numbered three students.

In 1859, Maraschi incorporated the institution under California state law, obtained a charter to issue college degrees, formed a board of trustees, and renamed the institution Saint Ignatius College.

In 2002 the University of San Francisco's main campus occupied 55 acres near Golden Gate Park. The University offers classes at five Northern California regional campuses, at a Southern California regional campus in the city of Orange; and at a site in Phoenix, Arizona. USF has sponsored cooperative study-abroad programs throughout the world, including programs in Mexico, Chile, Japan, China, the Philippines, England, Spain, Italy, Hungary, El Salvador, and South Africa. The University has grown greatly since its modest beginning in 1855. On Oct. 15, 2005 the University celebrated its 150th birthday.

Check your comprehension.

1. In what state is the University of San Francisco situated? 2. What is the founding of the University connected with? 3. What role did the Gold Rush play in establishing the University? 4. How did the University begin? 5. Who was the initiator of building the institution? 6. What place was he offered for his future Academy? 7. What was the number of pupils at the
first school? 8. How was the institution renamed 9. Where does the modern University of San Francisco offer classes? 10. What birthday has the University celebrated recently?


Переглядів: 566

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Columbia University (1967) | American Higher Institutions (1227)

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