МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах
РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання ЧОМУ ФОНД ОЛЕНИ ПІНЧУК І МОЗ УКРАЇНИ ПРОПАГУЮТЬ "СЕКСУАЛЬНІ УРОКИ" ЕКЗИСТЕНЦІЙНО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ОСНОВИ ПОРУШЕННЯ СТАТЕВОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ ПІДЛІТКІВ Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами ЛІВИЙ МАРКСИЗМ У НОВИХ ПІДРУЧНИКАХ ДЛЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів
Тлумачний словник Авто Автоматизація Архітектура Астрономія Аудит Біологія Будівництво Бухгалтерія Винахідництво Виробництво Військова справа Генетика Географія Геологія Господарство Держава Дім Екологія Економетрика Економіка Електроніка Журналістика та ЗМІ Зв'язок Іноземні мови Інформатика Історія Комп'ютери Креслення Кулінарія Культура Лексикологія Література Логіка Маркетинг Математика Машинобудування Медицина Менеджмент Метали і Зварювання Механіка Мистецтво Музика Населення Освіта Охорона безпеки життя Охорона Праці Педагогіка Політика Право Програмування Промисловість Психологія Радіо Регилия Соціологія Спорт Стандартизація Технології Торгівля Туризм Фізика Фізіологія Філософія Фінанси Хімія Юриспунденкция |
American Painters (3029)Benjamin West (1738-1820)is an American historical painter who worked in England. He was born in Springfield, Pennsylvania, in a house that is now a memorial museum. In his childhood Ben never saw an artist painting, he never had a drawing lesson, yet he became America's first important artist. In 1760 B. West went to Europe, where he remained for the rest of his life. For three years he studied in Italy and saw the greatest pictures of the world. Then he settled in London and became a leader of the neoclassical movement. He made a studio in London, where many of the first American painters acquired their skill in painting. West himself worked hard and King George III made him a knight and West was appointed historical painter to the king. Benjamin's friendship with Indians helped him paint brilliant pictures, "Penn's Treaty with the Indians" and "Death of General Wolfe" being among them. In these paintings he created a new departure in historical painting by clothing his figures in the costume of their period instead of the traditional classical robe. James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) is a brilliant American portrait painter, born in Massachusetts, in the family of a military engineer. His artistic career began in Paris. He was a draftsman and a map engraver. In addition to his etchings he did remarkable work in dry paint, water colour and pastel. Portrait painting became one of his chief preoccupations. Whistler painted a number of portraits in his youth, but his most popular picture was the famous portrait of his mother, titled "Arrangement in Grey and Blue, № 1" (now in the Louvre). Millions of people identified this canvas with their love for their own mothers. His skill in this direction is illustrated in the celebrated "Harmony in Grey and Green: Miss Cicely Alexander", which was one of his true masterpieces. Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) is the most popular woman artist in the USA. She was born in the town of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her father was a prominent banker and the mayor of the town. At the age of 17 Mary entered the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. After graduation from the Academy, Mary Cassatt travelled about the continent, touring art galleries and studying the old painters for a time. She began experimenting with light and colour and gave herself over to the influence of Edgar Degas.A popular subject of Cassatt's panting were mothers with their children. Leaving her studio seldom, Mary Cassatt began to suffer from eye trouble and ill health. Blind, she lived on for another decade, feeling her way with an umbrella and recalling the great days of impressionism. Rockwell Kent (1882-1971) was a famous American artist, writer and public figure. He was born in the state of New York. He studied architecture at Columbia University, but did not graduate it, as he had decided to become a painter. His first exhibition, held when he was twenty years old, made him famous. He developed the realistic traditions in American art.His credo in art was to help people love and understand life better. Rockwell Kent was a great friend of Russia. In 1960 he presented the people of Russia with 900 of his works. In doing so he hoped that his "children", as he called his pictures, would find a second home in Russia. Almost all the books written by Kent have been translated into Russian. They are full of optimism and humour. He wrote with love and understanding about the people among whom he spent many years of his life. Artist and writer, explorer of the North and public figure, Rockwell Kent was Chairman of the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship for more than ten years. Check your comprehension. 1. Where was Benjamin West born? 2. Where did he learn to paint? 3. What country did B. West live in Europe? 4. What title did the English king award to the painter? 5. Where did Mary Cassatt study painting and drawing? 6. Who influenced her creative work? 7. What was the main subject of Cassatt's paintings? 8. What parts of the world did Rockwell Kent show in his pictures? 9. What was Kent's artistic credo? 10. What did Kent do as a friend of Russia?