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Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) (2066)

Charlie Chaplin had a huge impact on the lives of Americans during the world wars and the hard times of the Depression. He made people laugh and changed the way they looked at the world. And even though his films were in black and white, he put a lot of colour into everyone's life.

Charlie Chaplin was born on April 15, 1889, in London. He was taught to sing before he could talk and danced just as soon as he could walk. When Charlie was five years old, he sang for his mother on stage after she became ill. Charlie was one of the most popular child actors in England.

Charlie was twelve when his father died. Charlie's mother became a chronically sick woman. Charlie and his brother Sidney were placed in a charity home. Chaplin attended 2 years of school. This was the only formal education that he ever received. Very often completely alone, Charlie lived on the streets and began working since early childhood.

From 1903 to 1906, Charlie performed in the theatre as a mime and soon he discovered the gift for comic pantomime. After remaining in Vaudeville for a few years, Charlie, not quite twenty, went to the United States as a top comedian. There he started his career as the most famous person that ever lived.

In the spring of 1915, Chaplin made his first appearance as the "tramp" character in "The Tramp". His character was a short, twitchy man with a black moustache, baggy suit and a waddling penguin like walk. Within two years of his first appearance in motion pictures, in 1914, he had become one of the best known personalities in the nation. Chaplin's most famous films that brought him the most admiration and controversy were: "The Kid", "The Gold Rush", "City Lights", "The Great Dictator", and others.

Forty years after Chaplin came to America, he was accused of being a communist. His reputation was not good with the FBI. Charlie came to America, forty years ago, to breathe free air. Now he had to leave it for the same reason.

Charlie returned back to Europe, made his home in Switzerland and was happy with his wife, Oona, and children. In 1972, Chaplin was honoured at the Academy Awards as a wonderful comedian and actor. Once again he felt the love of people and fellow actors.

In 1977, on Christmas Day, at the age of eighty-eight Chaplin died in his home in Switzerland. Even among false accusations Charlie Chaplin had an impact on everyone's life in the early 1900's. He made more people laugh than any other man who ever lived, and changed the way people looked at the world.

Check your comprehension.

1. What was Charlie Chaplin? 2. When and where was he born? 3. How did Charlie become a popular child-actor? 4. Why did Charlie and his brother happen to be placed in a charity home? 5. What education did Charlie get? 6. When did he come to America? 7. What character did he play on the stage and in his films? 8. What films brought Ch. Chaplin great fame? 9. What was Chaplin persecuted in America for? 10. Where did he live in his old age?


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<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Martin Luther King (1929-1968) – Famous Public Figure (1649) | First Americans on the Moon (1677)

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