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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів



Washington, D.C. (/ˈwɒʃɪŋtən diːsiː/) (formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C.) is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790. When people speak about the capital of the USA they always say Washington DC, not to mix up with the state Washington in the north-west of the country. The city is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and is bordered by the states of Virginia to the southwest and Maryland to the other sides.

Washington, D.C. has a total area of 68.3 square miles (177 km2). The District has three major natural flowing streams: the Potomac River, the Anacostia River, and Rock Creek. Both the Anacostia River and Rock Creek are tributaries of the Potomac River.

George Washington, the first American president, chose the place where the city now stands to build the capital, and the city was named after George Washington.

Washington, D.C. is a planned city. The design for the City of Washington was largely the work of Pierre Charles L’Enfant, a French-born architect, engineer, and city planner who first arrived in the American colonies as a military engineer.

Washington has a lot of interesting things to see and it is difficult to find a park, a square or any open area there without a monument or a memorial. The best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Washington has many other famous buildings – the Library of Congress, the Capitol, the National Gallery of Art and others.

Washington is smaller in size than the largest cities of the United States such as New York, Chicago, Detroit or Los Angeles. The population of the capital is about 11 million people. The buildings in Washington are not tall because no buildings must be taller than the Capitol – a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. The members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation’s affairs. It’s easy to get lost in this huge building, full of paintings and statues.

Washington is a busy city. The streets are practically never empty. Wherever you go you’ll see either big or small shops in which you can buy whatever you like.

Washington, D.C. has a diversified economy. The city has growing industry unrelated to government, especially in the areas of education, finance and scientific research.

Washington, D.C. is a national center for the arts. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is home to the National Symphony Orchestra, the Washington National Opera, and the Washington Ballet.

The weather in Washington is changeable. Mark Twain described it as follows: «When you arrived (at the station at night) it was snowing. When you reached the hotel it was sleeting. When you went to bed it was raining. During the night it froze hard and the wind blew some chimneys down. When you got up in the morning, it was foggy. When you finished your breakfast at ten o’clock and went out, the sunshine was brilliant, the weather balmy and delicious, and the mud and slush deep and all-pervading. You will like the climate – when you get used to it. »

Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. People from all parts of the United States come to see their capital.


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The United States of America | Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences using information from the texts.

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