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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Major Inventions

The first long-distance telephone calls were made by Alexander Graham Bell between the Ontario communities of Mount Pleasant and Brantford, and between Brantford and Paris, in 1876.

The first geostationary domestic tele­communications satellite in the world was the Anik-A1 in 1972.

The world's first commercial fibre op­tics telecommunications network was the 3268 kilometres system created by SaskTel in Saskatchewan in 1982.

The world's first documentary film was "Nanook of the North", which was shot in Canada by Robert Flaherty in 1922.

Kerosene was developed by Abraham Gesner of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, and its lighting properties were demonstrated in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, in 1846.

Henry Woodward of Toronto invented the first electric light bulb in 1874. He later sold a share in his patent to Thomas Edison, who designed a more practical bulb in 1879.

The greatest contribution to nuclear theory at a Canadian uni­versity was Ernest Rutherford's theory of atomic structure, which he developed while at McGill University in 1902. It earned him the Nobel Prize in 1908.

The first frozen food sold to the public was Ice Fillets frozen fish, which went on sale in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1929.

J.J. Wright of Toronto built the first electric railway with over­head wires with an electric pole connected to the car to avoid the rain and snow which frequently short-circuited streetcar rails.

Hockey is known to have been played in Halifax and Kingston in the 1850s. The first public exhibi­tion of the modern game took place at the Victoria Rink in Montreal in 1875.

Basketball was invented by James Naismith of Almonte, Ontario, and first played at Springfield, Massachusetts, where Naismith was a physical education instructor, in 1892.

Five-pin bowling was invented by Т.Е. Ryan of Toronto in 1909.

Doctors Frederick Banting and Charles Best, both of Ontario, discovered insulin in 1921.

Less Known Inventions: ear piercer; hair tonic; rollerskate; snowmobile; table hockey; washing machine; zipper.


Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Canada is said to be the home of surprising number of world – renowned inventors. Can you name Canadian inventors?

2. Who contributed to nuclear theory at a Canadian University?

3. What is Alexander Graham Bell famous for?

4. You do know the word “Kerosene”. Who developed it and its lighting properties?

5. What sports games were invented in Canada?

6. If you know any less known inventions developed in Canada, name them.


Переглядів: 312

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 1. Match the following words with the suitable definition or synonym. | F. Stephen Leacock

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