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Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the only country that is also a continent. In area it ranks as the sixth largest country and smallest continent. It covers 7,682,300 square kilometers or about 5% of the earth’s land area. Sometimes Australia is called “the upside down world” because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere, where winter comes in July and summer begins in December.

Pronounced [ə’stræɪljə, -liə] in Australian English, the name Australia is derived from the Latin australis, meaning "southern". The country has been referred to colloquially as Oz since the early 20th century. Aussie is common colloquially, as an adjective and noun for "Australian".

For at least 40,000 years before European settlement in the late 18th century, Australian mainland and Tasmania were inhabited by around 250 language groups of indigenous Australians. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north, and discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606, the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in the following years; the continent was explored, and another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established during the 19th century. Free settlers and former prisoners established six colonies: New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland.

The six colonies became states and in 1901 federated into the Commonwealth of Australia with a constitution that incorporated British parliamentary and U.S. federal traditions. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The population is 22 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The nation's capital city is Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory. It is a young city. Its construction began in 1913.

Most of Australia is low and flat. The highest and most mountainous land lies along the east coast. Nearly all the land west of this region consists of level plains and low plateaus.

Australia can be divided into three major land regions. They are the Eastern Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Western Plateau. The Eastern Highlands include the highest elevations in Australia. The region is sometimes called the Great Dividing Range. Many of the plateaus here have fertile soils and are used as cropland.

The Central Lowlands are generally flat. Many rivers flow through the lowlands after heavy rains. Farmers in the southern part grow wheat. Most of the rest of the region is too dry or too hot for most kinds of crops. The region has no large cities.

Deserts cover about a third of Australia. They are in the central part of the Western Plateau. The deserts gradually give way to land with grass and bushes. Much of this land is used to graze livestock.

The climate of Australia is significantly influenced by ocean currents. Australia lies south of the equator, and so its seasons are opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere. The southern part of the continent has four distinct seasons. Tropical northern Australia has only two seasons – a wet season and a dry one. The wet season corresponds with summer and lasts from November through April. The dry season corresponds with winter and lasts from May through October.

The nature of Australia is different and exciting. The tropical rainforests of northeastern Australia are very different from the dry interior of the continent. They are hot and damp providing a home for an unusual variety of animals. The country is full of rare animals such as kangaroo, koala, lyrebird, dingo, emu, hairy-nosed wombat, huge lizards. The koala and the eucalyptus form an iconic Australian pair.

Australia is a prosperous developed country with a multicultural society. It ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance such as human development, quality of life, health care, life expectancy, public education, economic freedom and the protection of civil liberties and political rights. Australian cities rank among the world's highest in terms of cultural offerings and quality of life. It is a member of the United Nations, G20, Commonwealth of Nations, OECD, APEC, Pacific Islands Forum and the World Trade Organization.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a constitutional democracy based on a federal division of powers. The form of government used in Australia is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Australia. The Queen is represented by the Governor-General at the federal level and by the Governors at the state level. Although the Constitution gives extensive executive powers to the Governor-General, these are normally exercised only on the advice of the Prime Minister.

The Commonwealth Parliament consists of the Queen, the Senate (the upper house) of 76 senators, and the House of Representatives (the lower house) of 150 members.

Elections for both chambers are normally held every three years. Although the Prime Minister is appointed by the Governor-General, in practice the party with majority support in the House of Representatives forms government and its leader becomes the Prime Minister.

There are two major political groups that form government, federally and in the states: the Australian Labor Party, and the Coalition which is a formal grouping of the Liberal Party and its minor partner, the National Party. Independent members and several minor parties—including the Greens and the Australian Democrats—have achieved representation in Australian parliaments, mostly in upper houses. The Labor Party came to office with Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister following the November 2007 election.

Australia is one of the richest developed countries. Its wealth has come chiefly from farming and mining. The farms are highly mechanized. The leading farm products are cattle, calves, wheat, wool, dairy products, fruits and sugar cane. These products are the chief agricultural exports.

Australia has rich mineral resources. It has become one of the world’s major mining countries. Western Australia produces iron ore, nickel, gold and bauxite. Queensland is the chief producer of bauxite, copper and silver. New South Wales leads in the production of coal, lead and zinc. Victoria produces almost all the petroleum and natural gas. Most of the factories are located in and around two oldest and largest cities Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia is the country for tourists. There are official tourist offices in all capitals and some regional centers providing a full range of usual services for visitors.


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Ex. 6. Choose the word that is similar or synonymous to the underlined word. | Ex. 7. Answer the following questions.

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