Taking the right hand passage from the Temple's southern wing leads to the temple's cenotaph (false tomb) that was located some 15 meters lower. The top of this structure is actually below ground level. This is the almost unique structure that today we refer to as the Osireion. It has been suggested that the architecture of the Osireion was inspired by the Valley Temple and causeway ofKhafre at Giza, which by the New Kingdom was buried underground but was still accessible and known to the Egyptians as a tomb or shrine of Osiris. It is carefully aligned with the temple proper, and enclosed within a mud brick wall integrated into the outside storage magazines that are nested within the cavity left by the main temple's L-shaped configuration. In effect, the main temple acts as a mortuary temple to this false tomb. Hence, no discussion of the temple proper would be complete without covering the Osireion as well.