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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

What is the choice of dishes at public eating places?

It depends …… the place: some have a wide choice …. delicious and nutritious dishes …. their menu. They have various salads and hors d’oeuvres: cabbage, carrot, apple and green pepper salad, carrot and green pea salad, radish and egg salad, stuffed tomatoes or cucumbers, herring, zander … aspic, stuffed zander, chicken pasta, cold stuffed chicken, etc.

The first course is less varied: Ukrainian borsch …. pampushky, yushka, mushroom yushka with galushky, etc.

The main course can include … scalloped fish …. vegetables, fish rolls, crucian carp baked … sour cream, braised beef …. prunes, scalloped beef, potted beef … mushrooms, meat rolls, stewed lamb, roast duck …. apples, home-made sausage …. onion, varenyky …. cottage cheese, cabbage rolls stuffed …. minced meat, tomatoes stuffed …. mushrooms, cauliflower fried … butter, etc.

Dessert and flour dishes are delicious: apples with cottage cheese stuffing, whipped cream jelly, Khreschatyk Cake, Ukrainian Korovai, etc. … some places you can eat … your heart's content.

Nevertheless, there are many public eating places which are criticised … monotonous menus, poor cooking and service and exorbitant prices.

Exercise 4 What are your preferences in food? As an appetiser (hors d'oeuvre) we like cold meat, jellied meat and fish, herring, salmon, caviar, seafood, cheese, mixed salad, Russian salad and all salads according to the season. We are particular about having soups for lunch. ‘Dining without soup is like a building without a foundation’ is a good saying. We like all soups: clear soup, cabbage soup, potato soup, tomato soup, onion soup, leek soup, borsch, broth, etc. Chops, rissoles, beefsteaks, rump steaks, cabbage rolls, stuffed duck, grilled chicken, roast turkey, braised beef are most popular for the main course in my family. We eat meat with vegetables. My mother and I have a sweet tooth and we can't live without desserts: pancakes with jam or sour cream, coffee (black, white), hot chocolate, tea, chocolates, cakes, fancy cakes, biscuits, prunes with nut stuffing, ice-cream, pastries, jellies and puddings of all kinds etc. As coffee doesn't agree with older people in my family, they are tea-drinkers. They prefer their tea very hot, not lukewarm, and witha slice of lemon. My mother is good at making tea, she is a connoisseur of various kinds of tea. Her special recipe for tea reads, ‘Don’t let your tea brew for more than one minute, to preserve its flavour.’ Everybody enjoys her tea. Think about your answers to the questions above. Are they the same or different? Why ‘yes’? Why ‘no’?   Listening Potluck Dinner Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words.  


JIAI’m going to make .................... for our class ............................. . Which do you like better .............. or ...........…?

DIEGOBoth sound ……………! But some people are allergic to ............ . I know that if Maria eats ..............., she’ll get sick. So why not make .............?

JIAYeah, you’re right. What are you bringing?

DIEGOI’m thinking of making feijoada. It’s a dish with ............. and ............ . At home, in Brazil, we make it with ………… ………….., ............... and ............ ……….., but here I’ll use ...........… .............. .

JIADelicious! But a lot of people in our class don’t eat ............ . Maybe you should make something else.

DIEGOYou’re right. I’ll have to think of something. What about you, Sun-Su?

SUN-SUI’m going to bring some special Korean food – Kimchee. It’s very ..............! I brought the ingredients from Korea!

JIAGreat! I love .............. ............... . Look, there’s Marta! Hi, Marta. What are you bringing to the class dinner?

MARTAI don’t know what to make. I’d fix a special kind of ............... ................... with ................. and ............ if I could find some ...........… ............. petals. But I don’t know where to buy them here.

DIEGOI don’t know either. So many things are hard to find here. The teacher said he was going to bring some ……………. food. At least he won’t have trouble buying the .........................!


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