It happened a long time ago. A very simple country woman came to a doctor one day and asked him to see her husband. “He is in bed, doctor,” she said, “and he has a splitting headache.”
The doctor was very busy that day. “I cannot see your husband today,” he said, “I have many patients waiting, for me. But do this: put some ice into a bag and tie the bag round your husband’s head. I hope it will help him. Come tomorrow morning and tell me how he feels.”
“Thank you, doctor,” said the woman arid went home. The next morning she came to the doctor again.
“Well, and how is your husband this morning?” asked the doctor.
“Thank you, doctor,” she said, “he is quite all right: no more headache. But you know, doctor, the mice are all dead.”
Здоровий спосіб життя.
Майбутній неозначений час
1. to keep fit — бути здоровим, бути у формі
2. to do daily exercises — щодня робити фіззарядку
3. to feel refreshed — почувати себе бадьорим, оновленим
4. posture —постава
5. blessing —благо
6. disease —хвороба
7. truthful — вірний, правильний, правдивий
8. competitions — змагання
9. greediness – жадібність
10. unreasonableness – нерозумність
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