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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Freight payable at destination

Freight and charges

The goods taken on board of the vessel in apparent good order and condition, unless noted herein, at the port of loading for carriage to the port of discharge or so near thereto as she may safely get, always afloat, and delivered as mentioned above. All particulars (weight, measure, marks, numbers, quantity, contents, value and etc.) thereof being as stated by the Merchant but unknown to the Carrier.

In accepting this Bill of Lading the Merchant accepts and agrees to all stipulations, exceptions and conditions on both pages, whether written, printed, stamped or otherwise incorporated. One of these Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods. Neither the weight nor the measure of goods carried in bulk are checked by the Carrier on loading.

In witness whereof number of stated above original Bs/L have been signed, one of which being accomplished the other(s) to be void.

Copy not negotiable

Place and date of issue

Master's signature

1. Definitions.«Carrier» means the party on whose behalf this Bill of Lading has been signed.

«Merchant» includes the Charterer, the Shipper, the Receivers, the Consignee, the Holder of this Bill of Lading and the owner of the goods.

«Ship» includes any vessel owned, chartered or operated by the Carrier, used in the performance of the Contract, evidenced by this Bill of Lading.

2.Paramount clause.This Bill of Lading shall have effect subject to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Code, 1968, or the Hague Rules contained in the International Convention for the unification of certain rules related to Bills of Lading dated 25th August, 1924, if no national law is applied in accordance with cl. 3.

3.Jurisdiction.Dispute arising under this Bill of Lading shall be determined at the place, where the Carrier has his principal place of business. No proceeding may be brought before other courts, unless the parties both expressly agree on the choice of another court or arbitration.

4.Scope of Voyage.The goods may be carried by any route whatsoever, whether or not the most direct or advertised or customary route, via any ports or places in any order whatsoever and for whatsoever purpose visited, together with other goods of every kind, dangerous or otherwise, whether stowed on or under deck. Vessels may sail with or without pilots, undergo repairs, adjust equipment, drydock and tow vessels in all situations.

5.Sub-contracting.The Carrier shall be entitled to subcontract on any terms the whole or any part of the carriage, transshipment, loading, unloading, storing, warehousing, handling and any and all duties whatsoever undertaken by the Carrier in relation to the goods.

6.Loading, Discharge and Delivery.In regard to loading and discharge this Bill of Lading is subject to the terms, condition and exceptions of the contract of affreightment according to which it is issued. In the absence of such an agreement the goods are received and delivered under ship's tackle.

If the Merchant fails to take receipt of the goods as stipulated above the contract of carriage shall be considered as having been fulfilled and the Carrier shall be at liberty to put the goods into craft and/or land on the quay and/or storing, etc., as the Carrier may think fit at the expense and risk of the Merchant. In this event the Carrier shall have the right to claim demurrage and/or discharge and store the goods as set out above.

7.Lighterage.The Carrier in arranging for lighters or other transportation between ship and shore, does so as the Merchant's agent and for account and risk of the goods.

8.Optional Stowage and Deck Shipment.The Carrier is at liberty to stow the goods in poop, forecastle, shelterdeck, spare bunkers or any covered space commonly used in the trade for the carriage of such goods and when so stowed shall be deemed for all purposes to be stowed under deck. Where the goods are stated herein to be received and/or shipped as deck cargo such goods are carried at Merchant's risk, in which case the Carrier shall be under no liability for any loss or deletion thereof, or damage thereto, arising from any cause whatsoever. The Carrier shall be entitled to carry goods on deck in containers, trailer, transportable tanks or similar articles of transport used to consolidate goods whether they are stowed there by him or Merchants. The Carrier is not required to give notice to the Merchant of any stowage and carriage as provided in this clause. These goods (container, etc.) carried on deck shall be treated as if they were stowed under deck and the Hague and York-Antwerp Rules as incorporated herein shall be applicable to them.

9. Hindrances etc., Affecting Performance.If in the event of restraint of authorities, epidemic, quarantine, ice, labour troubles, strikes, lockouts, congestion and any other causes beyond Carrier's control the goods cannot be discharged at the port of destination without risk to ship and cargo, the Carrier is entitled to land the goods at one of the nearest ports of call where possible at Merchant's risk and expense and to inform the Merchant thereof, if possible.

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  1. Destination Weddings - Are They For You?
  2. Freight and Charges.

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