Exercise 12. Answer the questions on text 2 «Flight Control System».
1. Why is it necessary to equip an airplane with movable control surfaces or airfoils? 2. What is used to change the attitude of the airplane during flight? 3. What are the airfoils designed to be moved by the pilot in order to change the attitude of the airplane during flight called? 4. What term determines the angular position of the airplane in relation to the horizontal, vertical and lateral planes? 5. The axis that runs from the nose to the tail of the machine is the longitudinal axis, and the rotation about this axis is called "roll", isn't it? 6. Rotation about what axis is called "pitch"? 7 What axis runs vertically about the aircraft? 8. What helps to bank the airplane, that is, control its movement around the longitudinal axis? 9. What must the pilot do, if he wants to roll to the right? 10. What is it necessary to do to cause the airplane to climb1' II. When the elevators are lowered the airplane begins to climb, doesn't it? 12 What is designed to control the aircraft yawing action around the vertical axis? 13. How can the rudder be deflected? 14. What is necessary to do to turn the airplane to the left?
Exercise 13. Match the English and Ukrainian terms:
a. приводити в дію
b. рухомий аеродинамічний
c. механізм керування
d. знижати(ся)
e. поперечна вісь
f. набирати висоту
g. відхиляти(ся)
h. хвостова частина
i. вивідна трубка
j. стяжна муфта
k. педаль руля повороту
l. блок, шків
m. руль висоти
n. допоміжні агрегати
o. проводка керування
p. відхилення від курсу
q. крен, віраж