There is also a generally accepted classification of syllables from various points of view. From the view point of syllable division, i.e. from the view point of whether a syllable begins and ends with a vowel or a consonant sound, syllables are classified as open, closed, coveredand uncovered.
It is very important to observe correct syllable division when necessity arises to divide a writing. Division of words into syllables in writing (syllobographs) is based on morphological principles. The morphological principle of word division in orthography demands that the part of a word, which is separated, should be either a prefix or suffix, or a root (morphograph): un-divided, utter-ance, be-fore.
If there are two or three consonants before -ing, these consonants may be separated in writing, e.g. gras- ping, puz-zling.
Words can be divided in writing according to their meaning, e.g. spotlight.
There are six rules to help with dividing a word in writing:
1. Never divide a word within a syllable.
Never divide an ending of two syllables such as -able, -ably, -fully.
With the exception of -ly.never divide a word so that an ending of two letters such as -ed, -er, -ic begins the next line.
Never divide a word so that one of the parts is a single letter.
Never divide a word of one syllable.
Never divide a word of less than five letters. According to their length syllables may be shortandlong