Recognition drill for an modh coinníollach with irregular verbs
Form a picture in your mind of the phrase's meaning and of the subject (whether "I", "you", "he", etc.) as you say these phrases aloud:
Thiocfainn (HUHK-hin). Nífheicfimisí(nee EK-hi-mish ee). An ndéarfadh sibhésin? (un NYAY*R-huhk shiv ay* shin). Nach rachfáliom? (nahk* RAHK*-faw* luhm). Dágcloisfidís (daw* GLISH-hi-deesh). Mura bhfeicfeadh síthú. Dádtiocfaimis libh. Chloisfeadh sésinn. An rachaidís léi? Nídéarfáésin. Nach dtiocfadh sílinn?
Key: I would come. We wouldn't see her. Would you-all say that? Wouldn't you go with me? If they were to hear. If she weren't to see you. If we came with you-all. He would hear us. Would they go with her? You wouldn't say that. Wouldn't she come with us?