1. What does the public educational system in our country incorporate?
2. Is the school education in the Russian Federation compulsory or optional?
3. What stages does the term of study in a general secondary school consist of?
4. Where can young people enter after finishing school or college?
5. When did the government approve the bill of transition to two-level higher education system?
6. When can young people get the bachelor's degree?
7. What is the master’s degree?
Заполните пропуски словами из текста.
1. The … year lasts ten months from the 1st September to the end of June of the following year. 2. Nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly …. and educated… . 3. The government approved the …..of … to two-level higher education system. 4. Now Russian students can continue their study without problems in ….. of Europe and get a job abroad. 5. The academic year is divided into two…. . 6. Training at the first level … 4 years, and at the second level - 2 years. 7. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by….. .