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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

The Rising Tone


The Rising type of pitch change in English has two structural varieties:

1) the rise of the voice takes place on the stressed syllable;

2) the rise is carried by the unstressed syllables following the stressed one while the latter is pronounced on a steady pitch. The first variant occurs when the nuclear syllable is the last syllable of an intonation group, i.e. when there is no tail; the second is found in intonation groups having a tail,

e.g.: Yes ____ I know it. ___________ Beautiful. __________


____ ___________ __________


For practical purposes four relevant variants of a nuclear rise should be distinguished in English.

4.1.1 Formsof the Rising Tone:

1 The Mid Wide Rise ( m). The voice rises from a mid to a high pitch level, e.g.

Is it o k? Did you take my papers, Wendy?

__________ _________________________


__________ _________________________


2 The High Narrow Rise ( m). The voice rises from a mid high to the top of the voice range, for example: ΄Jack? ΄Pardon?

__________ _____________


__________ _____________


3 The Low Wide Rise ( m). The voice rises from a low to a mid high pitch level, for example: ,June,| Ju ly, | ,August… .





4 The Low Narrow Rise ( m). The voice rises from the bottom and ends in the mid low zone, as in (preceded by low head)


I don’t ,mind. Nobody’s ,happy.

___________ _____________


___________ _____________

4.4.2 Functions of the Rising tone:


1 The Mid Wide Rise (MWR) is typically used in genuine Yes/No questions where the speaker does not know the answer; in alternative (the 1st intonation group) and tag questions (the 2nd intonation group with the condition that the speaker is uncertain).

Examples: Isn’t he nice? Do you take cream in your coffee? Was that in April or `May? They won’t `come, will they?


2 The High Narrow Rise (HNR) is used when the speaker is asking for repetition or clarification, or indicating disbelief.

For example: 1) A: I’m taking up Taxidermy this autumn. - B: Taking up ′what? (clarification). 2) A: She passed her driving test. – B: She ′passed?


3 The Low Wide Rise (LWR) is

- commonly pronounced in unfinished parts of utterances indicating that a continuation is going to follow (for example, in adverbial or subordinate clause followed by a main clause).

E.g.: When I passed my last e,xam | I was very `happy. If you ,see him, | give my `message. He ‘joined the army | and spent all his time in `Aldershot;

- can be used in independent utterances with an effect of the speaker’s interest in the situation and in the listener’s response:

e.g.: I’ll be back by ,lunch-time; Where did you ,put it?

- used in enumerations (lists), showing incompleteness. If the list is closed, the falling tone is used on the final item.

For example: I got ‘calls from ,Jason, ,Mary, ,Neil, and ‵Joe.


4 The Low Narrow Rise (LNR) is associated with non-assertiveness and lack of interest. It is used in various remarks, afterthoughts, etc.

E.g.: Of ,course. I’ll `do it | if you don’t ,mind.


Speech Exercises


Переглядів: 689

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 3 Extend the following tunes pronouncing the phrases given in brackets a) as the head, b) as the prehead, c) as the tail. | Ex. 1 Read out the phrases reproducing the indicated variants of the Rising tone.

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