Новини освіти і науки:
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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

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Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Holiday reps work very hard. Read the job description and decide which aspects of their job

1. have to be done once with each group of holidaymakers

2. have to be done once a day

3. have to be done several times during a holiday

4. mean being available almost 24/7 (24 hours a day/ 7 days a week).



Resort representatives are the first point of contact for holidaymakers at their destination. They represent the tour operator, and aim to ensure the success of the clients' holidays.

Representatives meet each party of holidaymakers on their arrival at the airport and accompany them by coach to their accommodation. Usually, they hold a welcome meeting soon after arrival to give the holidaymakers information about resort facilities and attractions.

Resort representatives arrange regular times to meet holidaymakers to make announcements and deal with enquiries and problems. They keep an information board, and often a folder of useful information, up-to-date. They may also arrange, book, and sometimes accompany excursions and sightseeing trips and arrange car or ski hire.

In addition to this they need to be available at almost any time to give advice, solve problems, and deal with emergencies such as loss of passports or money, illness, or difficulties with accommodation.

The completion of paperwork is an important aspect of the job. This involves keeping records and writing reports of complaints and incidents such as illness.

Hours and environment

Representatives' work is seasonal. Depending en the resort/country, holiday seasons may run from April onwards, October to January or January to April. Hours of work are variable. Representatives often work from early morning to late evening and at weekends and can be on call 24 hours a day.

A driving licence is usually needed, as representatives need to travel between hotels or other holiday accommodation and may be responsible for a wide area.

Skills and personal qualities

As a resort representative you should be self-confident, with a pleasant, cheerful, and outgoing nature.


Answer the questions.

1. Representatives’ work is ‘seasonal'. What does seasonal mean here?

2. 'Hours of work are variable'. What does variable mean here?

3. Make a list of skills and personal qualities that a holiday rep needs.

Переглядів: 724

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