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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів



The Future Continuous is formed with shall/will+be+ing-form

He will be delivering lectures the whole morning tomorrow.

He will not be delivering lectures the whole morning tomorrow.

Will he be delivering lectures the whole morning tomorrow?

The Future Continuous Tense denotes:

1.An action or event that will be in progress at a definite moment in the future. This future moment is indicated either by an adverbial phrase, (at 2 p.m., at this time tomorrow, etc.) or by another future action (usually in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous in clauses of time).

At four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon we'll be flying over Vienna.

I'll be waiting at the station when you arrive.

We'll be travelling in Italy while the children are staying with their

grandparents (two parallel future actions).

When will you be moving?


2.An action or state that will be going on over a period of time in the future indicated by adverbial phrases such as all evening, during holidays, from October to November, for the next few weeks, etc.

I'll be living in London for threeweeks next summer.

The Browns will be stayingat my place allweekend.

How long willshe be workingabroad?

3. A future action viewed by the speaker as part of aregular routine (a matter-of-course event), which does not need any special arrangement. In this case a definite future moment or a future period may not be indicated.

- Will you be goinganywhere near the post-office today?

- Yes, I'll be passingthe post-office on my way home from work.

- Now that Nick is in Helen's department they will be seeing a lotof each other.

The peculiarity of the Future Continuous Tense is clearly seen when we compare it with the Future Simple and the Present Continuous Tenses:

I'll see him about it tomorrow. (a promise or a decision)

I'm seeing him about it tomorrow. (a pre-arranged plan)

I’ll be seeing him about it tomorrow. (a matter-of-course event)

Note that enquiries about future actions in the Future Continuous Tense sound less straightforward and more polite than questions in the Future Simple Tense

When willyou move?(a straightforward question)

When willyou be moving?(a polite question)

Note that general questionswith the pronoun "you" and verbs in the Simple Future are used as requests.

Will you sayit again?

Will you helpme with the housework?




Ex. 53 Read the dialogue and pick out the verbs in the Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense. Comment on their use. Ask and answer questions of different types about the people's activities

- I hear you've got a transfer to the new office in Rome. When will you be setting off?

-On Monday morning. But I'm taking two weeks' holiday before starting work. I’ll be spending a few days in Germany and a week in. the Alps with a friend. We'll be doing some skiing together.

-Will you be travelling by air?

-No, I'm taking the car. I'll be picking up my friend at Victoria Station on Monday morning.

-At: this time on Monday you'll be heading to Germany and I'll be sitting here sweating over the correspondence and it'll probably be pouring with rain.

-Never mind. Perhaps they'll open a new office in Mallorca and your turn will come.

-With my luck they'll probably send me to the Sahara Desert. Anyway, I'm off.

-It's gone five and my girl-friend will be waiting for me outside - and she won't wait long!

-Now it's my turn to envy you. I'll be doing overtime until 8 o'clock tonight.

-Don't work too hard! Have a good trip and don't drive too fast!

-I won't!


Переглядів: 469

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex. 50 Complete the conversations using the verbs given | Ex. 54 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense

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