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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Ex. 50 Complete the conversations using the verbs given

Mary and Nigel run a shop together.

Monday In the office

Mary: I don't know what we (do). We've hardly made any money for ages.

Nigel : I think we should advertise. We can send out leaflets.

Mary: Yes. That probably (get) our name more widely known. But do you

think ...... (people/come) into the shop?

Nigel : Well, we could try advertising in the local paper.

Mary: That might be better......(I/phone) and find out their rates. And what about local radio?

Nigel : Good idea.......(I/phone) them?

Mary: OK, thanks.



Mary: We haven't got enough money to pay for all the advertising we need.

I've been in touch with the bank....(I/see) the manager on Friday.

Nigel :....(he/give) us a loan, do you think?

Mary: I hope so.


Friday At the bank

Manager: So you want to borrow some money. How do you want to spend it?

Mary:..... (we/advertise) on local radio and in the paper. We've planned it carefully. We only need $500.

Manager: Very well.....(the bank/lend) you the money. But you must pay us back in three months. Can you do that?

Mary:.....(we/do) it, I promise.

Manager: Now, go and see the loans clerk and (he/help) you to fill in the necessary forms.

Mary: Thank you for your help.

Manager: You're welcome.


Ex. 51 Prepare to talk on the following situations using the Future Simple Tense

1. You feel tired and have decided to stay at home this evening. A friend rings you up to invite you out to a party. How do you refuse?

2. A child you are looking after has just dropped his ice-cream and starts to cry. What do you say to comfort the child?

3. Tonight you are responsible for preparing the family's meal. How do you tell your friend that you can't go out with him.

4. Your cousin is coming to stay for a few days. You promise to meet him at the station at 7 o'clock. What do you say?

5. A friend is going to come and visit your town. Predict what he will like/dislike about it.

6. Your friend smokes far too much. Warn him/her about possible future health problems.

7. You are trying on a jacket in a shop. You're not sure whether you should buy it or not. You ask a friend of yours for advice.

8. You and your friend are going out. You haven't decided whether to go by car or to walk...


Переглядів: 1307

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Ex. 48 Comment on the uses and meanings of the Future Simple | Formation

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