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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Ex. 48 Comment on the uses and meanings of the Future Simple

1. Do you think Peter will get promotion he wants? - Yes, I think he probably will. He's certainly the best man for the job. 2. It's Saturday morning. The shops will probably be crowded. 3. Scientists will find a cure for cancer. 4. The Queen will open the new hospital on Thursday. 5. The Prime Minister will resign because of a political scandal. 6. I've got a terrible headache. - I'll get an aspirin. 7. What a beautiful ring! I'll buy it for you. 8. You can tell me your secret. I won't tell anyone else. 9. Give me your case. I'll carry it for you. 10. I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed. 11. I hope we'll be able to produce better results in the future. 12. Will you, please, post the letter for me on your way to work? 13.It's a long way to town. - Shall I give you a lift? 14.Shall I do the shopping? - Yes, please. I'll stay at home and look after the children. 15. What shall I do if the money doesn't reach me in time? - Go to your bank manager and ask him for a loan. 16. If you park your car on the yellow double line, you'll be fined! 17. You'll fall off if you are not careful. 18.The boy will remember this day all his life. 19.In the 21st century Tokio will have a population of over 15 million people. 20.Do you think Brazil will win the Cup next year?


Ex. 49 Open the brackets using shall or will according to the situation

1.We (talk) about something different now? 2. Dad, can you sew on a button for me? - I can't sew. Ask Mum. She (do) it for you. 3. I haven't got enough money to get home. -1 (lend) you some if you like. 4. There's someone at the door. - O.K. I (open) it. 5. You (be) late if you don't hurry. 6. What I (wear) at the wedding? - Why don't you buy a new dress'? 7. Have you told Kate about her new job? She (be) delighted. 8. It's a very difficult climb. If you (not be) careful you (fall). 9.If you (not go) to bed before midnight you (feel) exhausted tomorrow. 10. I don't know if he (be able) to look after himself. 11 .The engine (not start), though I've been trying to get the car started for half an hour. 12. We don't know their address. What we (do)? 13.I'm not sure if I (find) Jim at the hotel. 14.Everybody thinks they (get married) next year. 15.There (be) drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years' time. 16.I'd like you to weed the flower-bed. -1 (weed) it now or later? 17.The Queen (have) a General Election in the autumn. 18.I (tell) her I love her? Where's a coin? If it's heads, I (tell) her, and if it's tails I (not tell) her.


Переглядів: 366

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
B) In pairs talk about future activities that you haven't planned beforehand. | Ex. 50 Complete the conversations using the verbs given

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