Новини освіти і науки:
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Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

The brief content of the lecture

1. GUUAM is a regional Union of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova. GUAM (firstly 4 states) was formed on October 10, 1997 in Strasburg by Summit of Council of Europe. On April 10, 1999 meeting of Presidents of the GUAM and Uzbekistan was held in the framework of Council of Euro Atlantic partnership of the NATO in Washington. Washington Declaration was adopted about GUUAM formation.

On November 6, 2000 mee3ting of the GUUAM presidents was held in New York in the framework of 55 th session of General Assembly of the UNO, where New York Memorandum was adopted, which defined main objectives of the Organization: formation conditions for inter branch contacts and direct connections between state organs of the GUUAM. Functioning of transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia and development of infrastructure was priority aim of this organization.

I Summit of the GUUAM Presidents was held in Yalta, on June 7, 2001,.Charter was adopted, which defined objectives, principles and directions of cooperation state-members.

II Summit was held on July 20, 2002. 10 states took part in it as guests: Bulgaria, Brazil, Greece, Iran, Poland, Russia, Rumania, Slovenia, USA, and Turkey. International Organizations: OCSE, UNO, CE also. State-members signed Protocol about cooperation in culture on 2002-2005, agreement about foundation of business.

III Summit was held in Yalta in 2003. Problems of cooperation in energetic and transport were discussed.

Structure of the GUUAM:

- Meeting of State Heads is a High Body of GUUAM;

- Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs is an Executive Organ;

- Committee of National Coordinators is a Working Body.

2. On October 10, 2000 Presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan signed Treaty about foundation of Eurasian Economic Community in Astana. It was continuation of Treaty between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan , signed in 1995 about Custom Union. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan joined later and concluded Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Area in 1999.

Eurasian Economic Community is an International Economic Organization, formed common external borders, elaborated unique foreign economic policy, tariffs, prices and so on. EAEC is an open organization. Any state can be a member of organization. In 2003 UNO offered to the EAEC a status of International Organization and observer.

Aims of the EAEC are:

- formation of free trade regime;

- formation of unique custom tariff;

- establishment of general rules of trade by goods and services;

- introduction of unificated order of currency regulation and currency control;

- elaboration and realization joint programs of social-economic development;

- formation of equal conditions for economic and enterprise activity;

- formation of common energetic market;

- giving of equal rights in receiving of education and medical aid;

- rapproachment and harmonization of national legislation.


Structure of the EAEC:

Interstate Council is a High Body of the EAEC. Heads of states and governments included in it. Council defines strategy, directions and perspectives of integration and adopts decisions on realization of the EAEC aims. Interstate Council meets ones in year.

Integration Committee is a permanent acting organ of the EAEC. Deputies of government Heads are included in the EAEC. Aim of the EAEC is preparation of agenda, projects of decisions and documents, control on realization of decisions, adopted by Interstate Council. Committee meets four times in year.

Secretariat is headed by Secretary General, assigned by Interstate Council. Secretariat is situated in Almaty and Moscow.

Commission of Permanent Representatives is provided current work between meetings of Integration Committee.

Inter Parliament Assembly considers questions of rapprochement and unification of national legislations and correspondence to treaties, concluded in the framework of the EAEC. Inter Parliament Assembly consists of 28 deputies from Russia, 14 from Belarus, 14 from Kazakhstan, 7 from Kyrgyzstan, 7 from Tajikistan. Secretariat of Inter Parliament Assembly is situated in Saint Petersburg.

Court of Community is situated in Minsk.

Переглядів: 274

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