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Office hours.

Read the short story “Maybe you are not a good Principal” below. Then discuss it. Find out the meaning of the following words: administration, assistant, complaint, discipline, dump, effectively, fulfill, growl, idiot, ignore, inadequate, issue, monster, oversize, patience, principal, promise, shunt, supply.Try to give definition to each word.

Tina was going back to school for her third master’s degree. She was a Special Education teacher, but she couldn’t take her job anymore, so she had quit. The kids were out of control. There were too many of them in one classroom for her to manage effectively. The school administration ignored her pleas to add teacher assistants. They ignored her complaints that some of the kids were simply little monsters. They were discipline problems that other teachers had shunted off to Special Education.

The administration didn’t even respond to her complaint that one oversized young student had pushed her down one day onto the floor. Tina wanted to call the police, but the school principal talked her out of it with promises to improve things. Two weeks later, not one promise had been fulfilled.

Tina angrily visited the principal, who told her that if she didn’t have the patience to wait for things to improve, maybe she wasn’t cut out to be a teacher.

“How dare you! The issue is not whether I’m cut out to be a teacher,” she angrily replied. “I am a teacher, and a damn good one. But no teacher can get along forever with inadequate supplies, with overcrowded classrooms, with students who are dumped into her class, and with students who attack her. And especially,” she growled, “with idiots like you in charge who continually ignore the needs of Special Education students and teachers.”


Main Literature:

1. “New English File” by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham- Koenig, Paul Seligson. Pre-Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. “Inside out” by Sue Kay and Vaugham Jones. Pre-Intermediate. Macmillan. Publishers Limited 2011.

Additional Literature:

R. Murphy “English Grammar in use” Cambridge University Press. 2008



HAND-OUT Discipline: English as a foreign language Lexical theme : We learn English Level: Pre-intermediate Grammatical theme: Will, won’t (promises, offers and decisions) Practical lesson 13 Assistant-Professor: G. A.Adilova


Warming up. Kindness: a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Look at the phrases below. Match each phrase with its opposite. For example:

It’s well-paid = it’s badly paid

It’s stressful
You work long hours
It’s easy and fun
It’s badly paid
It’s exciting work
You work outdoors
You don’t need to pass many exams to do this job


It’s well-paid
You work indoors
You need very good qualifications
It’s hard work
It’s relaxing
You can go home early
It’s a very boring job



Now describe one of the jobs in 1 to your partner using the words above. Can your partner guess which job you are describing?

GRAMMAR:Will, won’t (promises, offers and decisions)

Decisions I won’t have the fish, I’ll have the steak. We’lltakethe 6.30 train.
Offers I’ll help you with your homework. Shall I open the window?
Promises I’ll always love you. I won’t tell anyone.
Use will/won’t +infinitive for making decisions, offering and promising. I’ll help you with those bags. NOT I help you. Use Shall I…? or Shall we…? When an offer is a question. Shall I pay? Shall we call you tonight at 7.00?  

Переглядів: 566

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
SIW: Read about Almaty college of communication and retell it. | Write sentences and questions with will/won’t. Use contractions where you can.

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