Shopping with a friend is cool There's nothing forbidden, no rule And no parents to say what's suitable Or to tell you what's unaffordable, Actually you don't need to be rich To try on whatever your eyes wish.
Shopping with a friend is funny Even if you don't have money You can try a formal blue shirt With a long gypsy orange skirt Pretend to buy them but act lost Then don't, because they're low-cost.
1 Speaking on the given topics. Do you agree with following statements:
Women can’t stand shopping for clothes.
Men only agree to go shopping when they really need to buy something.
2 Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.
a. What is the main shopping street in your town?
b. What can you buy there that’s special?
c. Do you enjoy shopping?
d. What do you like shopping for?
e. What don’t you like shopping for?
Verbs used with clothes
get dressed
wear(a black hat)
take off (her boots)
try on(a dress)
put on(her coat)