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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів


Тлумачний словник
Військова справа
Журналістика та ЗМІ
Іноземні мови
Метали і Зварювання
Охорона безпеки життя
Охорона Праці

Самостійна робота №1

І Граматика

1. Complete the conversations. Put in the correct form of each verb.

►____A: Are you ready?

B: I won't be a moment. I'm doing (I / do) my hair.

1 A: Could you tell me your address?

B: Well,______________________(I / live) in a friend's house at the moment.

Luckily___________________(I / find) a place of my own now, but I can't move in until next week.

2 A: Is this your CD?

B: No, it isn't mine____________(I / think)________(it / belong) to Peter.

3 A: Can I borrow your calculator, please?

B: Well,______________________ (I / use) it to work out these figures at the moment____________ (I / want) to finish doing them, now that____________________(I / start).

4 A: Why can't you wash your dirty plates sometimes? _____________(you / leave) them in the sink most of the time.

B: OK, sorry. The last few weeks ____ (I / have) so little time____(I / rush) around all the time.


2. Read the story and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

One day a man was (►) walking past a house in Bournemouth when he (1)____________a woman's voice shouting for help. The man (2) ________________Someone probably ____ trying to murder her. He ran to a phone box and _____the police. The police came quite quickly, but by now the shouting had _______. However, the man (6)_______________________quite sure that he (7)______________________heard cries for help. When the police (8)___________________on the door, there was no answer. So they roke down the door and went in. Inside the house was a woman who had just (9)___________________out of the shower. She explained to the police that she had (10)______________________singing along to the Beatles song 'Help!'.


3. Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Begin with the word in brackets.

► Our trip to Africa was in October. (We .) We went to Africa in October.

We've had ten hours of rain.

(It.) It's the right thing to do in my opinion. (I .)

Our sofa is in a different place now. (We .)

It was breakfast-time when Susan rang. (I .)

Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday. (They .)


4. Write the correct answer in each space.

►____This isn't my first visit to London. I've been here before.

a) I'm b) I've been c) I was

1____I've got my key. I found it when________for something else.

a) I looked b) I've looked c) I was looking

2____Sorry, I can't stop now.____to an important meeting.

a) I go b) I'm going c) I've gone

3____I can't get Tessa on the phone____ all afternoon.

a) I'm trying b) I try c) I've been trying

The bank told me last week there was no money in my account.____it all.

a) I'd spent b) I spent c) I was spending

There's a new road to the motorway.____it yesterday.

a) They'd opened b) They opened c) They've opened


5. Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (V). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space.

Martin has changed his mind about next weekend.____V

We were enjoyed the holiday very much.____were


Nancy is practising on the piano.

It was lucky that we had been decided to buy our tickets in advance.

We were riding our bikes when suddenly I was felt a pain in my leg.

We are go camping for three weeks every summer.

They have planted some new trees last year.

I suddenly realized I had been walking in the wrong direction.

Did you know that Anna has been won a prize?

No one told me that the goods had arrived the week before.


6. Complete the news report. Put each verb into the correct form.

The actress Vanessa Kemp (►) has disappeared (disappear). Yesterday she (I)________________(fail) to arrive at the Prince Charles Theatre in London's West End for her leading role in the comedy 'Don't look now!'. Ms Kemp, who (2)___________________(live) in Hampstead, (3)____________________(leave) home at four o'clock yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a journey she (4)____________________(make) several times the week before. Two people who (5)______________(walk) past her home at the time (6)____________________(see) her leave. But no one (7)____________________(see) her since then. At half past seven she still (8)_______________________(not / arrive) at the theatre. At eight o'clock the theatre manager had to break the news to the audience, who (9)___________________ (wait) patiently for the play to start. Since yesterday, theatre staff and friends (10)____________________(try) to contact Ms Kemp, but they (II)________________________(have) no success so far. The police (12)____________________(take) the matter seriously, but they (13)_______________ (believe) that she is unlikely to be in any danger. Her friends all (14) ____ (want) to hear from her soon.



ІІ Мовна практика

Сhoose one of the following tides and write a story which begins: 1. 'I couldn't have been more wrong about Jo. The first time I met her she seemed so ..."

2. What would tell you more about a stranger's character: their bathroom cabinet, bookshelves, record collection or wardrobe?




1 First Reading of the Text "Criminal Justice" (Skimming Reading) (Text 3)

1.1 Read the text quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is of primary importance or new to you.

1.2 Write down the law terms, known to you, in Ukrainian.

1.3 Write a list of international words used in the text. Use your dictionary to check their exact meaning.


2 Scanning Reading

2.1 Read the text "Criminal Justice" again.

2.2 Pick out an idea or a phrase, which you think is most informative or most interesting, from each text.

2.3 Pick out the law terms from the text, which you think you do not know. Refer to a dictionary or the glossary if necessary.


3 Text "Criminal Justice"

3.1 Read the text "Criminal Justice".

Criminal Justice

The Government's strategy for dealing with crime is to sustain the rule of law by preventing crime where possible; to detect culprits when crimes are committed; to convict the guilty and acquit the innocent; to deal firmly, adequately and sensibly with those found guilty; and to provide more effective support for the victims of crime. It is also concerned with ensuring that public confidence in the criminal justice system is maintained and that a proper balance between the rights of the citizen and the needs of the community as a whole is maintained.

With continuing concern in Britain, as in many other countries, over rising crime rates, public expenditure on the law and order programme reflects the special priority given by the Government to these services. Recent increases have been made to cover, in particular, greater police manpower, the probation service and extra spending on prison building. More than two-thirds of total expenditure is initially incurred by local authorities (with the help of central government grants), mainly on the police service.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system have been taken. The Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 provides for the pre-trial freezing of suspected drug trafficker's assets, backed up on conviction by immediate confiscation of the assets to the value of the proceeds of the crime; similar provisions are included in the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987. The Public Order Act 1986 codifies the common law offences of riot, unlawful assembly and affray; enhances the powers of the police to control public processions and assemblies likely to result in serious disorder or disruption; strengthens the law against incitement to racial hatred; and provides additional powers to combat football hooliganism. Under the Criminal Justice Act 1987 a Serious Fraud Office with wide powers to investigate and prosecute serious or complex fraud in England, Wales and Northern Ireland was established in 1988.

The Criminal Law

The criminal law, like the law generally, is interpreted by the courts but changes in the law are matters for Parliament. In practice most legislation affecting criminal law is government-sponsored, but there is usually consultation between government departments and the legal profession, the police, the probation service (in Scotland, the social work agencies) and voluntary bodies.

Crime Statistics

Differences in the legal systems, police recording practices and statistical classifications in the countries of the United Kingdom make it impracticable to analyse in detail trends in crime for the country as a whole. Nevertheless, it is clear that, as in Western Europe generally, there has been a substantial increase in crime since the early 1950s.

However, official statistics cover only crime recorded by the police and may thus be affected by changes in the proportion of crimes which are undiscovered or unreported. The level of police manning and deployment of the force may also affect recording.

Some 95 per cent of crime is against property, much of this being relatively small scale. This reinforces the need, in the Government's view to encourage the development of crime prevention schemes.

The number of notifiable offences recorded by the police in England in and Wales in 1987 was 3.9 million, of which they cleared up 33 per cent. Clear-up rates for certain very serious offences were much higher - over 90 per cent for homicide and 75 per cent for violence against the person and for sexual offences. The Scottish police recorded 481,230 crimes, of which they cleared up 35 per cent.


4 Reading for General Understanding

4.1 Check the comprehension of the text "Criminal Justice" by reading each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

1. The Government's strategy for fighting with crime is to observe the rule of law by preventing crime where possible.

a) the Government tends only to sustain the rule of law and the whole strategy is designed on it;

b) the Government's strategy is to convict the guilty and acquit the innocent but no attention is paid to preventing crime;

c) yes, it is true. The Government's strategy is to prevent crime where possible and to deal firmly, adequately and sensibly with those found guilty.

2. Have a number of measures been taken to strengthen the criminal justice system?

a) the attempts have been made;

b) no measures have been taken whatever;

c) some serious measures have been taken.

3. The Public Order Act 1986 codifies the common law offences.

a) it codifies such offences as riot, unlawful assembly and affray;

b) it does not enhance the powers of the police to control public processions;

c) it does not provide additional powers at all to combat football hooliganism.

4. In practice most legislation affecting criminal law is government-sponsored, but there is usually.

a) consultation with the party leaders;

b) consultation between government departments and the legal profession;

c) consultation with trade union leaders.

5. In the United Kingdom, as in Western Europe generally, there has been a substantial increase in crime.

a) the United Kingdom is an exception; there has not been any crime growth since the early 1950s;

b) nothing definite can be said on this matter as official statistics cover only crime recorded by the police;

c) nevertheless, it is clear that in England and Wales there has been a substantial increase in crime since the early 1950s, especially violence against the person, burglary, robbery, theft, etc.

6. The number of notifiable offences recorded by the police in England and Wales in 1987 was 3.9 million.

a) no, it is wrong. In 1987 there were 2.5 million offences;

b) the number of offences recorded by the police was 6 million;

c) yes, it is true and they cleared up only 33 per cent.

7. Clear-up rates for certain very serious offences in England and Wales were much higher in 1987.

a) yes, it is true. Clear-up rate's for homicide were about 60 per cent;

b) yes, it is true. Clear-up rates for certain very serious offences were about 70 per cent;

c) clear-up rates for very serious offences were over 90 per cent for homicide and 75 per cent for violence against the person.

4.2 Pick out from the text "Criminal Justice" all the word combinations with the following words (terms) and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

- crime

- guilty

- to convict v, convict n

- law

- powers


- offence

- legislation

- to clear up

- government


5 Reading for Detail and Language Study

5.1 Find in the text "Criminal Justice" the English equivalents for the following phrases.

- стратегія уряду

- підтримати закон

- засудити винного

- виправдати невинного;

- впевненність суспільства;

- акт карного правосуддя;

- акт суспільного порядку;

- порушення звичайного права;

- незаконні збори;

- серйозні руйнування чи безладдя;

- законодавство, що стосується карного права;

- служба, яка відповідає за умовно звільнених;

- аналіз тенденцій злочинності;

- рівень поліцейського складу;

- темп росту зареєстрованих злочинів;

- рівень розкриття дуже серйозних злочинів.

5.2 Explain the meanings of the following words and expressions.

- to convict the guilty;

- to acquit the innocent;

- pre-trial;

- additional powers to combat;

- trends in crime;

- notifiable offences;

- to encourage the development of crime prevention schemes.

5.3 Translate part of text 1.5, which is of greatest interest to you, in written form.


6 Written Practice

6.1 Answer the questions on the text "Criminal Justice".

1. What is the essence of the Government's strategy for dealing with crime?

2. What does the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 provide for?

3. Are there similar provisions in the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987?

4. What does the public Order Act 1986 codify?

5. What Act was established on a Serious Fraud in 1988?

6. How is most legislation affecting criminal law sponsored in practice?

7. Is there usually consultation between government departments and the legal profession, the police, the probation service and voluntary bodies?

8. Who is responsible for this consultation in Scotland?

9. How high is per cent of crime against property?

10. What is the number of notifiable offences recorded by the police in England and Wales in 1987?

11. How high are clear-up rates for certain very serious offences?

12. What measures has the Government taken to prevent crime?


ІV. ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНЕ ЧИТАННЯ ( обсяг 15 тис. друкованих знаків газетного тексту).


1.Прочитайте та перекладіть статті.

2.Випишіть та запам’ятайте 20 ключових слів.

3. Підготуйте усний переказ прочитаного

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