stylistic device
| definition
| example
| effect
| recurrence of initial sound
| “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew.”
| to convey auditory images
| series of expressions (adjectives, cliches, examples, images) that contribute increasingly to meaning
| “He came, saw, fought and won”
| to make the language livelier
| repetition of first word(s) of line/clause
| In every town,
in every house, in every man,
in every woman and in every child ....
| · to stress the main point
· often used in speeches
| a dominant recurrent theme (word, phrase, emotion, idea) associated with a certain idea, person or situation and accompanying its/his/her reappearance throughout the text
| gives the text a structure and stresses the theme by repeating it
| the point of highest dramatic tension or a major turning point in the action of the text or the point of greatest dramatic interest in a play
| · climatic text structuring means arranging material in order of importance, with the most important arguments coming last