Study the text below and entitle the two parts of it.
a) In this rich varied world there are large plants, like trees, some of which are the largest living things. There are plants, thousands of which can live in a small drop of water. There are helpful plants that man cultivates, and harmful ones. Plants that live in water, and those that live only on land; plants that produce flowers and fruit, and others that do not; plants that live for hundreds of years and plants that live for only a few hours.
Green plants are so common that you may never stop to think how wonderful and how important they are. A good way to begin our general study of plants is to compare them with animals.
b) What life functions are? As we study more about plants and animals and how they live, we shall see that all of them perform several functions in common. These are called life functions. One way of studying animals and plants is to begin with their life functions. These life functions are: sensation (irritability), motion, food taking, nutrition (digestion, absorption, circulation, assimilation), respiration, excretion and reproduction.