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III. Relative or Conjunctive.


Simple Adverbs

These are distinguished from one another according to their meaning. The chief meanings expressed by Adverbs are shown below.

(a) Quality or Manner. – He acted thus. He did his work slowly, but surely. He behaved foolishly.

(b) Quantity or Degree. – He is almost, but not quite, the cleverest boy in the class. He is very clever, but rather or somewhat indolent. He is clever enough for me. He is too clever for me (= cleverer than what I require or desire). A. is more clever than В. He is the most industrious boy in the class.

Note. – The word “the”, when it is placed before an adjective or adverb of the Comparative degree, is not the definite article, but an adverb of Quantity (formed from Anglo-Saxon “thy”). “The sooner, the better” = by how much sooner, by so much better.

(c) Number. – He seldom failed, and always did his best. Try again. He has already tried twice. He often failed.

(d) Time. – He did this before, and you have done it since. He will soon be here. He has already come. Some time ago.

(e) Place. – We must rest here, and not there. South-ward, home-ward, on-ward. In-side, outside. Hither, thither, whither.

Note. – The adverb “there” is used with Intransitive verbs when the verb is placed before its Nominative instead of “after it”; “There stood a man at the gate”. In such positions “there” is merely introductory, and has no signification of place.

(f) Affirming or Denying. – He will probably return to-day. We shall certainly succeed. He did not come. Perhaps he will come.

(g) Emphasizing. – He too or he also was absent. Even he was dismissed. Only one man was caught.

The Interrogative Adverbs


The Interrogative adverbs are those used for asking questions. Many of these adverbs are compounds, i.e. are expressed by two words, not merely by one.

(a) Quality or Manner. – How (in what manner) did he do this? How (in what state of health) is he to-day?

(b) Quantity or Degree. – How far (to what extent) is this report true?

(c) Number. – How often did he come? How many persons came?

(d) Time. – When did he come? How long will he remain here? How soon will he go?

(e) Place. – Where did he go? How far (to what distance) did he go? Whence has he come?

(f) Cause. – Why (for what reason or cause) did he say this? Wherefore does she weep?

Переглядів: 485

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WHOLY SUBSTANTIVIZED ADJECTIVES | Relative or Conjunctive Adverbs

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