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After Pavilion hall – Old Hermitage.


Old (Big) H was redesigned by Shtakenshnaider. The first was the construction of this staircase, which replaced the oval-hall. The only remaining feature – the oval-shaped plafond by French Duayen – “Virtues introducing young Russian men to Minevra”. Cessions of the State council were held in the ground floor of the Old-H.

The interiors were designed by Штакеншнайдер in mid-19th century for the son of Alex-II in the style of eclecticism. In here the Italian collection of the Hermitage starts, one of the largest in the museum. Covers 8 centuries (13-20), includes works by Da Vinci, Raphael, Giorgione, Titian and Michelangelo.

First exhibit here – “Annunciation” by Simmono Matrini. First half of the 14th century. Came from Siena, the painting is the right part of a diptych, painted on panel – the left part now displaced in the National Gallery in Washington. The image has a number of features typical for gothic style – elongating shape, golden background, flat image. We can also trace some features typical for Renaissance Art – Virgin looks feminine.

Fresco - Frabiata Angelico – Madonna with a child, St Dominic and St Tomas. Comes from St Dominic monastery in F’esole near Florence – 1424-1430. The monastery closed, the fresco was sailed to Hermitage – a piece of the wall. Each character is unique individual features.

The H has two paintings by fra Fellipino Lippi – “Adoration” and “Annunciation”. Liipi was famous for his sophisticated style appreciated by Lorenco Medici in Florence in the 15th century. The artist interested in spiritual experiences of his characters, which is well-demonstrated in the Adoration-scene (mid 1480th). The earthly world here delicate and fragile. Pay attention to the landscape on the background, which includes sea, castles – ideal world. He paid great attention to the details – flowers, vases and prayer-boor.

Botticheli – St Dominic and St Jerome. Both paintings are from the later period of the artist’s life.

St Sebastian – beautiful young man by Перуджино, teacher of Raphael. The author put his name on the arrow. The artists became now more interested in the beauty of the human body rather than in spiritual suffering of his character.

Da Vinci Hall. Large hall with two tiers of windows in the baroque-style. Spectacular doors in bull-technique, made of gilded bronze and turtle-shelves. Fire-place with jasper-columns (russian mosaics).

Da Vinci 1452-1519. A genius Italian artist, who designed a helicopter, a parachute, started anatomy of human-body. Paintings – plants, insects, etc. Was born in Vinci (near Florence), his mother was a made, his father was a layer. The boy was brought up by his father, who took Leo to educate him. It’s a fact, that he never married, travelled – 12 paintings, 2 of which are in Russia, 5000 pages of notes and documents. He made notes in mirror-writing, their were decoded three hundred years after his death.

The first painting – Madonna Benua (with as flower) 1478. From Florence. Many sketches are today displayed in the British museum. Was one of the first who started to use oils instead of tempera. The last owner of this painting was the Benua family, acquired by the H in 1914. The family received many authors before sending to the H. The Lady is dressed according to the fashion of the 15th century – young mother who is trying to entertain the son. The flower with four petals is the symbol of the holy cross.

Madonna Litta – 1490-1491. Painted in Milan, tempera, comes from collection of duke of Litta. Was started 1480. Three main colors – black, blue and red. Traditional traengular – feels the painting with stability and harmony. According to some evidence Vanci didn’t finish it – let the students. Sketch of her head – in Louver.


Titian – one of the largest collection in the H. Great example of Venetia school in the 16th century. Famous for his great skills of using colors. Paintings in the H are in various genre, represents the later years of his works.

“Repentant Mary” – 1560th. Prays for forgiveness of her sins. The artist painted several versions on the same subject, this one was signed by the artist. Another great paintings – “Danae”, 5 pictures. According to a legend king Akrisious was foretold that he would die from the hand of his grandson – he put his daughter in the tower. Zeus was attracted with her beauty – penetrated in the tower with golden coins. Son Perseus murdered hid grand-father during competition. The subject was popular in the 17th century – one of opportunities to painted naked women body.

St Sebastian. Towards the end of his life the artist was disappointed by the ideas of Renaissance time – that is why dark background. The artist finished this painting with his fingerprints.

All three paintings (Mary, Bearing from the cross) – come from Barbarigo.


Переглядів: 831

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