(Figure 12–2)- Web page for Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
Another technological development that has impacted graphic design is the Internet. The arrival in the late 1980s of the World Wide Web created a new field called Web design. Like other graphic designers, Web designers are artists who work with text and pictures to create Web sites. Unlike other graphic designers,
Web designers often use computer code in their creations. This enables the user to click on links that lead to another page or Web site. One commonly used code is HTML, short for hypertext markup language. Figure 12–2shows a
page from a Web site. Can you find a logo appearing on this Web site.
Ex.2. Дайте відповіді на запитання:
1. Think of a recent advertisement you’ve seen in a newspaper or magazine. How is it similar to this image?