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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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Talking Points


Unit 6

1. What is a syllable?

2. What is the structure of the syllable?

3. What is the role of sonorants in syllable formation?

4. What do you know about different structural types of the syllable?

5. Speak about the structural differences of English and Ukrainian syllables?

5. Speak on the theories of syllable formation.

7. What do you know about syllable division?

8. How does the syllable perform constitutive and distinctive functions?

9. What are the principal differences of syllable formation and syllable division in English and in Ukrainian?


1. Give syllabic structural patterns of the following English and Ukrainian words; characterize them from the viewpoint of their structure: open, covered, etc.

(1) pit, pat, pot, bet, tip, ten, top, took - спік, бак, тік, час, віз, сон, так, ніс.

(2) fact, taken, rhythm, prism, region, bacon - вереск, вепр, ритм, метр, гіпс, ЗАГС.

(3) depths, lapsed, boxed, lisped, lifts, busts - текст, жертва, шерсть, Мінськ.

(4) plan, price, shriek, fret, smoke, twice - птах, прав, жнець, злак, згин.

(5) do, go, so, dew, he, pea, pie, boy - би, фа, сі, те, ту, чи.

(6) spy, stay, blue, brew, pray, dry - дно, все, про, хто, два.

(7) ought, eat, orb, oak, eight, out, art - от, ас, ух, ох, от, ах.

(8) splay, spray, straw - стоп, стік.

(9) ebbed, act, ask, else, aunt, apt - aкт, акр, альф.

(10) ached, aunts, asks, eights, acts, elks - айстр.

(11) spleen, spring, sprawls, sprains, strains, screams - вдрузки, взвити.

(12) serpents, patents, students, servants, licensed - монстр, ханств, царств, земств.

(13) spleen, split, street, struck, squeak, scroll злам, згнити, змах, збити, злити.

(14) twiddle, trance, plosion, flask, flint, thrust фланг, швабра, скотч.

(15) stamps, tramps, twelfth, clenched, errands - спектр, ксерoкс, сфінкс.

2. a) Divide these words into phonetic syllables, (b) Give their syllabic structural patterns.

people, bugle, satchel, trifle, rhythm, April, equal, happens, marbles, patterns, dragons, urgent, servant, listened, heralds, errands, parents, patients, scaffolds.

3. Mark initially strong consonants with a single line and initially weak consonants with two lines.

kæt, 'a:mi, 'i:tə, 'laınə, 'æktə, bɔ-tl, 'mis-tə, 'lek-tʃə, rʌg-bı, mı-dl, 'wın-tə, 'ʌn-nəun, mæp, fılm.

4. Analyse these words from the viewpoint of phonetic and orthographic syllable division; transcribe end divide them into syllabicgraphs.

work, working, worker, pined, pining, stirring, occurred, cured, cheerless, curing, cheering, firing, redder, nation, culture, thoroughly

5. Arrange these words into three columns according to the type of syllable structure: (a) closed uncovered, (b) closed covered, (c) open covered.

took, pray, lifts, at, straw, boy, aunt, texts, clenched, tip, pea, struck, strays, elks, thrust, bet, fact, fret, asks, ebbed, price.

6. Write out: (a) initially weak (filially strong) and (b) finally weak (initially strong) consonants.

sit, lame, back, miss, sack, grave, tip, tide, top, late, mad, made, nine, till, cake, thick, bat, pin, pine, hate, act, ice, plot, face, hid, fate, stamp, spot, pile, land, mist, mole, mark, gold, cap, nose, fix, harm, merry, horn, start, form.

7. Divide these words into phonetic syllables.

comfortable, cottage, orchard, ground, kitchen, pantry, study, several, upstairs, bedroom, nursery, bathroom, furniture, modern, own, electricity, January, February.

Unit 7

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