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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Passive Voice - Indefinite Tenses

(пасивний стан дієслова - часи Indefinite)

§ 1 Пасивний стан дієслова утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідній формі та дієприкметника минулого часу основного дієслова (третьої форми дієслова)

§ 2Підметом пасивного речення є об’єкт дії. Суб’єкт дії при необхідності вводиться прийменником by / with.

Прийменникbyвживається, якщо суб`єкт дії повідомляє, хто виконує дію. Прийменник withвживається, якщо суб’єкт дії називає інструмент дії, матеріал:


The book was written by my favorite writer. – Ця книга була написана моїм улюбленим письменником.

The door was opened byJohn. – Двері були відкриті Джоном.

The lock was broken with a hammer. – Замок зламали молотком.

The tiger was shot with a gun. – Тигра застрелили рушницею.


§ 3Розгляньте таблиці 6 - 8, запам’ятайтеформи дієслова to be для часів групи Indefinite, зверніть увагу на утворення питальних та заперечних речень:


Таблиця 6– Форми дієслова to be для Present Indefinite Passive


Forms of the verb to be Examples of using (+) Examples of using (?) Examples of using (-)
I – am   I am asked at every lesson. Am I asked at every lesson? I am not asked at every lesson.
    He/she/it – is   He is often invited to parties. Wine is made from grapes. English is spoken here. Ishe often invited to parties? Iswine made from grapes? IsEnglish spoken here? He is notoften invited to parties. Wine is notmade from tomatoes. English is notspoken here.
  they/you/we - are They are given presents at every Christmas. They are informed about it. Arethey given presents at every Christmas? Are they informed about it? They arenotgiven presents at every Christmas. They arenot informedabout it.


Таблиця 7 – Форми дієслова to be для Past Indefinite Passive


Forms of the verb to be Examples of using (+) Examples of using (?) Examples of using (-)
  I/he/she/it – was I was invited to the party yesterday. She was sent a bunch of flowers. Was I invited to the party yesterday? Was she sent a bunch of flowers? I was not invited to the party yesterday. She was not sent a bunch of flowers.
  they/you/we – were They were sent cards. The houses were built last year. Were they sent cards? Were the houses built last year? They were notsent cards. The houses were notbuilt last year.

Таблиця 8 – Форми дієслова to be для Future Indefinite Passive

Forms of the verb to be Examples of using (+) Examples of using (?) Examples of using (-)
    I / we / he / she / it / they / you / we – will be He will be taken home after the party. She will be examined next Friday. They will be lookedafter. Willhe be taken home after the party? Willshe be examined next Friday? Will they be lookedafter? He willnotbe taken home after the party. She willnotbe examined next Friday. They will not be lookedafter.

§ 4Пасивний стан вживається:


1) Якщо невідомо, хто виконував дію:

Jim’s car was stolen last night. (We don’t know who stole Jim’s car)

2) Якщо неважливо, хто виконував дію або це зрозуміло з контексту:

Champagne is made in France. (It’s not important who made the action). The cows are milked once a day. (Its obvious that the farmer milks the cows)

3) Якщо сама дія є важливішою, ніж особа, що її виконує:

A scanner is used for inputting text and graphics.

Two teenagers wereseriouslyinjured in a car accident last night.


§ 5Для того, щоб змінити речення з активного стану в пасивний, потрібно:


1) Вжити об’єкт дії активного речення в якості підмета пасивного речення.

2) Вжити відповідну форму дієслова to be.

3) Дієслово-присудок активного речення вжити у формі дієприкметника минулого часу.

4) При необхідності вжити суб’єкт дії після прийменників byабо with.

5) В заперечному реченні після дієслова to beвжити частку not.

6) В питальному реченні дієслово to beвжити перед підметом.

People make wine from grapes. – Wine is made from grapes. – Вино роблять з винограду.

Do they make bread in this factory? – Is bread made in this factory? – Чи роблять хліб на цьому заводі?

Sam took these photographs. – These photographs were taken by Sam. – Ці фотографії були зняті Семом.

Simon did not send the invitations. - The invitations werenotsent. - Запрошення не були надіслані.

Didthey find the book? – Was the book found? – Чи знайшли книжку?

The children will post the letter. – The letter will be posted by children. – Діти відправлять лист.

Will you showthem a new car? – Will a new car be shown? – Чи покажуть нову машину?

She will not type the letters. – The letters willnotbe typed. – Ці листи не надрукують.

§ 6Запам’ятайте, що після модальних дієслів та їх еквівалентів вживається інфінітив у формі пасивного стану:be + Past Participle:


The contract can be signed tomorrow. – Контракт можна підписати завтра.

The test must be made in a week. – Тест потрібно провести через тиждень.

A table isto be reserved for Saturday. – Потрібно буде замовити столик на суботу.


§ 7Запам’ятайте утворення наступних питальних речень у пасивному стані:


Charles Dickens wrote `Oliver Twist`. – Who was `Oliver Twist` written by?

Christopher Columbus discovered America. - Who was America discovered by?

The explosion was caused by fire. – What was the explosion caused by?

Завдання для самоконтролю

Вправа 1 Відкрийте дужки, вживаючи Present/Past/Future Simple Passive

1. Many interesting games always (play) by our children. 2. This bone (give) to my dog tomorrow? 3. They (invite) to the cinema last Saturday. 4. His question (answer) yesterday. 5. Football (play) in winter? 6. Mushrooms (not / gather) in spring. 7. Many houses (burn) during the fire last year. 8. His new book (finish) next year. 9. Flowers (sell) in many shops and in the streets. 10. This house (build) in the 19th century. 11. Salad (eat) every day. 12. The letter (not / receive) last week. 13. Mike (send) to Kyiv next Monday? 14. I (not / ask) at the lesson yesterday. 15. I (give) a nice present last Friday. 16. Many houses (build) in our town every year. 17. This work (do) tomorrow? 18. This text (not / translate) at the last lesson. 19. These trees (plant) last autumn? 20. Mike (teach) Spanish by his brother. 21. The house (redecorate) by Dad last year? 22. Ann's hair (dye) by the hairdresser ten minutes ago. 23. The car (fix) by the mechanic a fortnight ago?

Вправа 2 Відкрийте дужки, вживаючи Present/Past/Future Simple Passive

1. The flowers ... by me every time (buy). 2. The cow ... three times a day (milk). 3. Crab salad ... by the chef ten minutes ago (serve). 4. The watch ... in Poland (make)? 5. The film ... on this novel (base). 6. The expedition ... next week (not / plan). 7. The child ... by the parents regularly (praise). 8. Dinner ... at five o'clock next evening (serve). 9. The door ... ten minutes ago (open). 10. The linen ... yesterday (iron)? 11. Cheese ... by the mice (eat). 12. The ingredients for the cake ... by me (mix). 13. The vase ... in the morning (not / break). 14. Five carps ... at six o'clock yesterday (stew). 15. These events ... in tomorrow newspapers (describe)? 16. The linen ... by the washing machine in an hour (twist). 17. The spices ... into the soup according to the recipe (put). 18. These paints ... in this oil painting (use). 19. This name ... at the previous meeting. (not / mention) 20. Her vase ... by me last week. (break). 21. The furniture ... every weekend (polish)?

Вправа 3 Змініть речення, використовуючи Passive Voice

Examples: 1)Mother waters the flowers in the evening. – The flowers are watered in the evening. 2) We often speak about her. – She is often spoken about. 3) You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. – Three of these exercises must be done tomorrow.


1. You promised me these books long ago. 2. Mr. Wilson will teach you English. 3. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 4. Who listens to the lecturer with great attention? 5. Peter will speak to Mary tomorrow. 6. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 7. Can you do the work in three days? 8. You must do this work very carefully. 9. You must return the books the day after tomorrow. 10. They told me an interesting story yesterday. 11. They offered him a cup of coffee. 12. They teach the children French. 13. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 14. They water the flowers regularly. 15. The boys will paint the fence tomorrow. 16. Mary will show you a new book of pictures. 17. Mother gave Mike a camera for his birthday. 18. Who will do the translation in the evening? 19. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 20. The teacher will not send for the pupil’s parents. 21. Peter asked for the telegram. 22. Nobody lived in that old house. 23. You can find the book you need in any library. 24. You can cross the river on a raft. 25. We must not send these letters at once. 26. You must take the box to the station. 27. Do they often send us a box of fruit? 28. Do they sell milk in this shop? 29. Who gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present?

Читайте також:

  1. Continuous Tenses (Active)
  2. II. Turn the following sentences into Active Voice making any necessary changes
  3. Indefinite Tenses (Active)
  4. IV Analyze verb-forms and translate the following sentences. Match the verb-forms with their tenses in Active or Passive Voice.
  5. Look through the text and find sentences with Passive Voice. Translate them into Ukrainian.
  6. Passive Voice
  7. Passive Voice - Continuous and Perfect Tenses
  8. Perfect tenses (Active)
  9. The Category of Voice.

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Вправа 2 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи | Passive Voice - Continuous and Perfect Tenses

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