Many cars have a fuel warning light. When the level of fuel (petrol) in the tank is very low, this light switches on and the driver can see that he needs more petrol. How does this light work?
When the level of the fuel falls, the float moves downwards. When this happens, the arm also moves downwards and makes the lever touch an electrical contact. This switches on the fuel light in the car.
When the driver sees the fuel warning light, he puts more petrol into the tank. This makes the fuel level rise and pushes the float upwards. When the float rises, it makes the arm move upwards and this causes the lever to move upwards also. The fuel warning light then switches off.
2. Remember the new words:
a fuel warning light – попереджувальна сигнальна лампочка
level of fuel – рівень палива
to fall – падати
to move down – рухатись вниз
low – низький
a float – поплавок
a lever – важіль
to happen – траплятись, відбуватись
an arm – плече
to switch on – вмикати
to put more petrol – добавити бензину
to push – штовхати
upwards – вверх
to cause – змушувати
to switch off – вимикати
a wire – провідник, провід.
3. What do the letters in the diagrams refer to? (Look at the words in italics in the passage.)
Example: (a) This is called a light.
4. Answer these questions:
When does the fuel warning light switch?
Why does the float go down?
What makes the lever move downwards?
Does the float go up or down when the fuel level rises?
When does the lever move upwards?
5. Make up question from the given words and answer them: