During the last thirty years of his life, the main focus of Claude Monet’s artistic production was a series of about 250 oil paintings depicting the lily pond in his flower garden
Some ponds have no surface outflow draining off water and ponds are often spring-fed. Hence, because of the closed environment of ponds, such small bodies of water normally develop self contained ecosystems.
Ponds’ calm waters are ideal for insects and other water dwelling invertebrates. This includes the pondskater, the water boatman, the diving beetle, the whirligig beetle and the water scorpion.
Vernal ponds are ponds which dry up for part of the year. Naturally occurring vernal ponds do not usually have fish. They are called vernal ponds because they are typically at their peak depth in the spring (“vernal” means to do with the spring).
Not all ponds and quarries are suitable for cage culture of fish. Many failures in cage production have occurred because of poor site selection. Before attempting cage culture make sure the body of water chosen will support the increased biological demand placed upon it.