551605 Advanced construction materials and high-efficiency technologies
Electric Power Engineering
551701 Electric units of electric power stations and substations
551702 Electric power systems and networks
551703 Optimization of developing power supply systems
551706 Renewable energy converters and systems
551707 High voltage physics and equipment
551708 Automatic equipment of power systems
Radio Engineering
552502 Systems and devices for signal transmission. reception and processing
550505 Television systems and video equipment
552507 Radio physics
Information Science and Computer Engineering
552802 High-performance computer systems
552813 Computer networks and telecommunications systems
552819 Computer analysis and data interpretation
552821 Digital signal processing
552823 Information control systems
Technology, Equipment and Automation of Machine-Building Industry
552908 Equipment for special types of treatment
Applied Mechanics
553302 Mechanics of strained solid body
553304 Dynamics and strength of machines
Speech Practice
Study the information about research directions offered by NSTU graduate school. Explain why you have chosen the field you are studying and researching into.
Matt A. Cima
American Peace Corps Volunteer
The advantages of researchers knowing the English language are plentiful. The world is becoming interactively smaller each year. The introduction of radio, television, airplanes, computers, and most recently, the Internet have made cross cultural and cross intellectual interactions easier to accomplish over great distances. Advanced technologies continue to make interactions faster, easier, and more efficient between different countries.