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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Information technologies in production

The use of new technologies is becoming more widespread in the textile industry. More companies are using Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in the processing, designing, planning and manufacturing stages of textile products. Many companies also use hi-tech machinery.

All products begin with an idea. In the past, product designers worked first on a paper. Now everything is done using CAD programs. CAD involves the use of computer hardware and design software to model textile ideas in 2D or 3D on the computer screen. CAD is a key part of the industrial design process because it enables manufacturers to test and modify ideas in 2D and simulate products on a screen in 3D. These virtual products can be shown to clients, who can then choose which one they would like to see as a made-up product sample. This reduces the need for producing a wide range of product samples, saving time and cost.

Once the design has been approved, the complete CAD file is imported into a CAM program, where the machining operations are planned. This data is then converted into a set of instructions which can be read by a CN controller. This automates all the machine tools which manufacture the product. This whole computerized process from design to manufacture is known as CAD/CAM.

The term CIM includes CAD/CAM but takes the process even further. In CIM, all aspects of manufacturing including the supply of products to quality assurance is computer controlled. This permits faster production times, a dramatic decrease in the number of workers required, and a lower risk of human error. CIM also allows manufacturers to move part of their operation to countries where costs are lower. It enables automated manufacture of textile products such as fibres, yarns, woven, knitted and printed fabrics.


III Answer the questions

1. How are Information Technologies used in textile industry?

2. How were products designed in the past?

3. What does CAD enable manufacturers to do?

4. What are the advantages of using CAD?

5. What program can automate manufacturing machine tools?

6. What computer program is more advanced and complex than CAM?

7. What are good and bad sides of CIM implementation?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them

1. … use of new technologies … .

2. … involves the use of computer hardware … .

3. … the need for producing a wide range of … .

4. … converted into a set of instructions which can be … .

5. … from design to manufacture is known … .

6. … to move part of their operation to countries… .

7. … manufacture of textile products… .


V Find English equivalents of the words and word-combinations:

обробка, конструювання, обладнання, програмне забезпечення, екран монітора, імітувати, зразок, дані, постачати, собівартість.


VI Translate the word-combinations into Ukrainian and make up sentences with them:

to model textile ideas in 2D or 3D, to test and modify ideas, simulate products on a screen, a made-up product sample, a wide range of product samples, supply of products, faster production times, number of workers, a lower risk, to move part of their operation


VII What do the terms (1-4) mean? Find out from the text. Define these terms:

1 - CAD 2 - CAM 3- CIM 4- CNC

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I Read and remember the translation of words and word-combinations | VIII Put the processes in the logical order

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