Circle the correct item
1.We can infer from the text that …
a) food crops are weakening nowadays
b) there’ll be less crops in the future
c) diseases will threaten the wild plants
d) farmers have to adjust to the changing climate.
2. The aim of the project is …
a) to breed new crops
b) to safeguard the native traits of plants
c) to make the crops more versatile
d) to collect the seeds across the globe.
3. The key role in the project is played by …
a) Dr Paul Smith
b) Millennium Seed Bank
c) London's Royal Botanic Gardens
d) the wild relatives of food crops.
4. Food production is threatened because of the fact that …
a) crops are stored in the seed bank
b) crops are used in the pre-breeding trails
c) farmers can’t combat the diseases
d) wild varieties are too numerous.
5. The next factors could help secure food supplies in the face of a changing climate best…
a) hardy crops
b) versatile crops
c) wild plants
d) hardy and versatile crops.
6. According to the text, the reason why we can get only one bite of a cherry is…
a) they are already threatened with extinction
b) they are already threatened in their natural habitats
c) we can’t afford it
d) we can’t find them.
7. The wild relatives of food crops will help plant-breeders mostly to "correct for"…
a) changing climate
b) plant diseases
c) loss of viable agricultural land
d) plant diseases and loss of viable agricultural land.
8. Farming began with…
a) adapted plants
b) the plants best suited to the climates of the past
c) adapted plants with the best genetic traits
d) wild species.
9. In the last paragraph “to go back to the wild” means…
a) to watch more films about wildlife
b) to visit the forest more often
c) to take the best traits of the wild plants
d) to gather more wild crops.
10. Plant-breeders need to find the wild relatives of food crops that…
a) could thrive in the climate of the past
b) have the best genetic traits
c) can thrive in the climates of the future
d) are suitable for our region.
Читайте також: - A) Choose the correct answer.
- A. Choose the correct variant.
- A. Choose the correct variant.
- A. In each sentence, underline the verb and circle the subject.
- A. In these sentences underline the verb and then circle the subject.
- A. In these sentences, underline the verbs and circle the subjects.
- Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.
- Are these instructions correct?
- Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
- Are these true or false? Correct the false ones.
- B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word-combination
- B. Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).
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