Read this passage slowly without looking at the key below it. Then read it a second time, making use of the key if you are unsure. Do not try to make sense of the words; concentrate on the pronunciation and on grouping the words into phrases;
D'fhulaing an oiread sin stop a chur le scaipeadh a bhísan am i seilbh na Fraince gach fear de na gasraía bhuail méle mo dhuine. Fuarthas i bpictiúr eile céadta punt i gcás a bhformhór ina bhfuil cur síos ar an oileán a bheidh ar an socrúa tharla ar an mbaile sin ocht mbliana d'aois faoin chomhlachtaípríobháideacha.
DUDU-ling un IR-uhd shin stohp uh k*ur le SKAHP-uh vee suhn oum i SHKL-iv nuh FRAN-ke gahk* far de nuh GAHS-ree uh VOO-il may* le muh GIN-e. FOO-uhr-huhs i bik-TYOOR EL-e KAY*D-tuh poont i GAW*S uh vohr-uh-VWOHR nuh vwil kur shees er un IL-aw*n uh ve er un SOHK-roo uh HAHR-luh er un MAHL-e shin ohk*t MLEE-uh-nuh deesh fween K*OH-luhk*t-ee pree-VAW*-duhk*-uh.