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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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My last visit to the museum

Lesson 1


Text 1 Read and translate the text pay attention to the new words


As the old saying goes man cannot live by bread alone. Any human being needs nourishment for his soul as well. One of the places where one can get spiritual food is a museum. Museums are an essential part of any culture and society.

Last year I went to see a friend who lives in Kyiv. I did an awful lot of sightseeing. I enjoyed my stay there immensely. But what I found absolutely unforgettable was my visit to the Taras Shevchenko Museum.

During the conducted tour I learned much about the museum in general, about the main stages in the history of our country and of Ukrainian poet's life in particular. The exposition of the museum includes more than 800 works of the great poet and painter and his personal belongings. The most frequently visited are the halls reflecting Shevchenko's life and work. I marvelled at the finest Shevchcnko's water-colours and pencil drawings from the museum's collection. I found the rare publications of "Kobzar", Shevchcnko's first book of poetry, and a separate edition of his poem "Haidamaky" the most interesting.

Some of the galleries, which deal with section "Shevchenko and Our Time", stand out in my memory very vividly: models of monuments to Shevchenko in Ukraine and other countries, the collections of his works in the foreign languages, the vast collection of folk songs, legends and proverbs about the poet, portraits of Shevchenko.

But what is more important, I received an emotional experience. Needless to say, that like any other museum, it should be taken a little at a time. The Taras Shevchenko Museum enjoys a truly universal popularity. I wish 1 could visit it over and over again.


nourishment — живлення, їжа; essential — важливий, істотний; to do an awful lot of sightseeing — оглянути величезну кількість визначних нам 'яток; conducted tour — екскурсія з гідом; exposition — експозиція музею, виставка; to marvel — захоплюватися; water-colour — акварель; separate edition — окреме видання; deal with — мати відношення до, бути пов 'язаним із; to enjoy popularity — користуватися популярністю

1. Do you like going to the museums?

2. Do you often go to the museums?

3. What museums do you prefer to visit?

4. Do you generally go alone or on a conducted tour?

5. What museums are there in you native city?

Exercise 1 Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Виставка музею включає понад 800 робіт великого поета і живописця та його особисті речі. 2. Я милувався прекрасними акварелями й олівцевими малюнками Шевченка. 3. Я оглянув величезну кількість визначних пам’яток. 4.Але, що більш важливо, я отримав величезний емоційний досвід. 5. Музей тараса Шевченка має широку популярність.

Exercise 2 Continue the following sentences

  1. As the old saying goes…
  2. Museums are…
  3. During the conducted tour…
  4. The exposition of the museum includes…
  5. Some of the galleries…
  6. But what is more important…



Words which are similar in form but different in meaning are called translator’s false friends.


"фальшивий друг" фальшивий переклад правильний переклад переклад фальшивої асоціації

activities активність діяльність activity

advocate адвокат прибічник, захисник attorney

actual актуальний фактичний topical

accurate охайний влучний neat, tidy

artist артист художник actor

aspirant аспірант претендент postgraduate

appellation апеляція назва appeal

partisan партизан захисник guerrilla

audience аудієнція глядачі hearing

focus фокус (трюк) увага trick

camera камера фотоапарат cell

colon колона двокрапка colomn

complexion комплекція колір обличчя physique

corpse корпус труп corps [ko:]

compositor композитор укладач в типографії composer

clay клей глина glue

criminal кримінал злочинець crime

stool стілець табурет tuffet

fable фабула байка plot

substantive субстантивний основний substantival

data дата дані date

decoration декорація знак відмінності, прикраса scenery

decade декада десятиріччя ten-day period

dynamic динамічний гнучкий, дієвий fast-moving

national administration нац. адміністрація нац. уряд authority

progress report доклад про прогрес доклад про хід работи -

subject суб’єкт питання, предмет person

fraction фракція дроб (матем.) faction

familiar фаміл’ярний відомий, знайомий hod-a-nob

bullion бульйон злиток beef-tea

balloon балон повітряна куля bottle, bulb

baton батон жезл, дубинка loaf

billet білет плашка; посада ticket, seat

mayor майор мер major

magazine магазин журнал store, shop

motorist моторист автолюбитель machinist, manipulator

motion моціон рух constitutional, walk

intelligence інтелігенція розум clerisy

depot депо склад house, station

Dutch датський голландський Danish

direction дирекція напрямок management, front offic

fabric фабрика тканина factory, works

concern концерн задача, інтерес trust, combine,

genial геніальний гостинний genius

obligation облігація зобов’язаність bond

principal принциповий основний principled

prospect проспект перспектива avenue

production продукція виробництво end-product

physician фізик врач-терапевт physicist

physique фізик будова тіла physicist

probe проба зонд test, trial, attempt

list лист список sheet, piece of paper

lunatic лунатик божевільний somnambulant

rapport рапорт добрі відносини

receipt рецепт квитанція recipe ['resipi]

replica репліка точна копія cue

troops трупи війська corpses

extra екстра додатковий super


Words which are more or less similar in form and in meaning are called international words

For example: constitution, revolution, accumulator, alpha, alphabet, ampere, atlas, atom, banjo, barbarism, benzol, billiards, bulldog, cafeteria, caravan, catastrophe, chaos, demagogue, dynamo, economic, electric, element, energy, film, kodak, legal, minimum, philosopher


EXERCISE 1 Study the following groups of words. Find the difference in the meaning in English and Ukrainian, as in the model.

Model: physique  фізик,

Physique –будова тіла

Фізик –physicist

actualактуальний, principalпринциповий, genialгеніальний, magazineмагазин, prospectпроспект, obligationоблігація, Dutch датський, motoristмоторист, concern концерн, lunaticлунатик, probeпроба, fabricфабрика, directionдирекція, billetбілет, balloon балон, compositorкомпозитор, double standardподвійний стандарт, batonбатон, intelligenceінтелігенція, familiarфаміл’ярний, decadeдекада, genialгеніальний, productionпродукція, mayorмайор, advocateадвокат, aspirantаспірант.


EXERCISE 2 Find international words in the text1.

EXERCISE 3 Find the meanings of the English international words and translate them.


1.There's a marked contrast between his character and hers. 2. I wish to speak to the manager. 3. Last year we had 3% inflation. 4. What’s your philosophy of life? 5 Is there anything interesting on television tonight? 6. Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years. 7. I've always had an interest in astronomy. 8. Are you coming to the football match? 9. He was a student at the University of Chicago.10. I hate people talking while I'm watching a film. 11. Britain has no written constitution. 12 The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic. 13. He was a German, travelling on a Swiss passport. 14. In wealthy parts of the country, homes cost from £ 750 000 into the millions. 15. The train leaves at three minutes to eight, so we'd better get there a few minutes before then. 16. I’d like to visit the Natural History Museum. 17. He goes to the opera (= to see an opera) whenever he can. 18. During the Second World War, the British dropped a huge number of bombs on Dresden. 19. There's a little café on the corner that serves very good coffee. 20. We stayed in a hotel on the seafront. 21. We travelled to Argentina on a tourist visa. 22. I took a taxi from the station to the hotel. 23. Twenty-eight per cent of people asked thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol should be banned. 24. Toss the salad with a vinaigrette dressing. 25. Mother asked me to buy a tin of sardines. 26. I heard a good programme on the radio last night. 27. My parents took a lot of photographs of us when we were small. 28. It's one of those arts programmes late at night. 29. The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders. 30. We all joined in the song, with Pat at the piano/on piano.


EXERCISE 4 Translate the sentences with translator’s false friends.


1. We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the actual number was much higher. 2. Her novel is an accurate reflection of life in post-war Spain. 3. Monet is one of my favourite artists. 4. He was an aspirant to the throne. 5. In 1988, about 220 000 American troops were stationed in Western Europe. 6. The ship is an exact replica of the original Golden Hind. 7. Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy. 8. We'd worked together for years and developed a close rapport. 9. He drives like a lunatic. 10. Is your name on the list? 11. He has a very powerful, muscular physique. 12. The company's new model will be going into production early next year. 13. Is there any prospect of the weather improving? 14. He was principal dancer at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. 15. If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to pay them any money. 16 The teacher is very genial. 17. Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing. 18 He was going in the direction of the bedroom. 19. It's the intelligence of her writing that impresses me. 20. They showed the goal again in slow motion. 21. She has written articles for several women's magazines. 22. We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party. 23. The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew she'd never been there before. 24. She has made a series of documentaries on the subject of family relationships. 25. This place is badly in need of decoration. 26. Now the data is being transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk. 27. The media focus on politicians' private lives inevitably switches the attention away from the real issues. 28. Her latest book should appeal to a large audience.


Read the text and say what the main idea of this text is


Самостійна робота

Art galleries of London


Speaking about art galleries of London we should first of all mention The national gallery, The national portrait gallery and The state gallery. I would like to tell you about National portrait gallery and about Tate gallery.


The national gallery houses one of the richest and most extensive collections of painting in the world. It stands to the north of the Trafalgar Square. the gallery was designed by William Wilkins and build in 1834-37. The collection covers all schools and periods of painting, but is a specially famous for it's examples of Rembrandt and Rubents. The British schools is only moderately represented as the national collections are shared with the Tate gallery. The National gallery was founded in 1824 when the government bought the collection of John Angerstein which included 38 paintings.


The Tate gallery houses the national collection of British painting from the 16-th century to the present day. It is also the national gallery for modern art, including painting and sculpture made in Britain, Europe, America and other countries. It was opened in 1897 as the national gallery of British art. It owes it's establishment to Suie Henritate who built the gallery and gave his own collection of 65 painting.



There are many interesting museums in London.


The British Museum was founded in 1753. One doctor Ganse Sloan had a big collection of paintings. He bequeathed it to the state. Now the British Museum is one of the biggest museums in the world. One can see many subjects of primitive art and antique culture. It is interesting to notice that there are a lot of old money, medals, manuscripts, coins, engravings.


It is necessary to pay attention to a very old original stone in the British Museum with Egyptian letters on it.


The British Museum in London has a very big library. Many famous scientists, writers and politicians worked there.Such famous writers as Charles Dickens, Bernard Show read different books and wrote their own books in the British Library.


There is a huge reading-room in the British Library. The diameter of this dome is 47 metres.


There are more 10 million books in this library. The British Library has a copy of each book which has been printed in Great Britain since 1757.


It will be 250 years from the founding of the British Museum in 2003.



There are many sights in London. They are Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Albert Hall (one of the biggest concert halls in London), Trafalgar Square and others.


If you are fond of paintings you'll go to the Tate Gallery.


The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. He was a very rich man and collected paintings.


This gallery was founded in 1897. Most of the National Gallery collections of British paintings were taken to the Tate Gallery.


There are about 300 oils and 19,000 water-colours and drawings.


There are a lot of paintings by the 16th century English artists there. You can also see many works by the English painter William Turner. Most of his paintings are connected with the sea theme.


You can see many paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20th centuries in the Tate Gallery. There are some paintings by impressionists and post-impressionists there.


In the Tate Gallery one can see works by modern painters, Pablo Picasso among them.


There are many interesting sculptures there. The collection is rather big. Henry Moore's works can be seen in this gallery. He was a famous British sculptor.


The paintings of this gallery impress everyone who visits it.


Читайте також:

  1. My last visit to the museum
  2. Unit 4. My visit to the museum of Ukrainian art.

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