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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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Exercise 6.

A.Find Ukrainian equivalents for the following word-combinations.

Before the turn of the century, fantastic story, mysterious sword of heat, has come to reality, the name stands for, light amplification, stimulated emission, mankind’s oldest dream, to make lead run like water, technological tool, thermonuclear fuel, to have no time to disintegrate, experiments in heating, required temperature, dozens of times greater, in just a fraction of a second.

Технологічний засіб, примусити свинець литися як вода, назва означає, найстаріша мрія людства, підсилення світла, в кінці минулого століття, індукована емісія (випромінювання), таємний вогненний меч, втілилось в реальність, фантастична історія, експерименти по нагріву, потрібна температура, термоядерне пальне, немає часу для розпаду, в десятки разів більше, всього за долю секунди.

В. Translate the following word-combinations.

a very pure colour, to vaporize the hardest materials, to vaporize any substance on the earth, to combine two technological discoveries, limitless source of energy, practically limitless source of energy, thermonuclear fuel, thermonuclear reaction, controlled thermonuclear reaction, current estimates, a billionth of a second, to work hard.

Exercise 7.Point out the statements corresponding to the contents of the text and correct the wrong ones.

1. Laser means “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. 2. Laser produces an intensive beam of light. 3. In the next few years laser will become one of the main technological tools. 4. Martians almost invaded the Earth before the turn of the last century. 5. Laser and thermonuclear reaction can produce a limited source of energy. 6. The laser beam heats the fuel so quickly that the plasma disintegrates. 7. There are projects to transform lunar radiation into beams. 8. The laser beam will begin operating in outer space.

Exercise 8.Look through the 3d and the 5th paragraphs of the text 13A and find there the Infinitive in the function of a predicate and an adverbial modifier of purpose.

Exercise 9.Find the sentences with the Infinitive in the function of an attribute and an object.

1. То design, construct and operate a laser system is a great technological achievement. 2. To protect the water resources, forest and atmosphere, several laws were passed in the 1970s. 3. A very interesting problem is to produce a practically limitless source of energy; 4. There are projects to use lasers for long distance communication. 5. Automation makes it possible to obtain and develop new sources of energy. 6. To combine laser and thermonuclear reaction is a very interesting problem for the scientists in many countries. 7. To conduct physical experiments with laser beams, physicists have developed large laser installations 8. Some Western experts consider that it is practically impossible to protect big cities from pollution. 9. Lasers to be placed on Earth satellites will transform solar radiation into laser beams. 10. To put some projects with lasers in operation, great technological difficulties must be overcome. 11. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is to lighten the aircraft by using new composite materials. 12. Signals to be measured must be strong enough.

Exercise 10.Define what an attribute is expressed by in the following sentences.

1. The new system developed increased the safety and effi_ciency of a car. 2. The laser’s most important potential use may be its long distance communication applications. 3. Provided the problems of using laser for controlled thermonuclear reaction were solved, the capacity of the pulse received would be much greater than that of all the world’s power plants. 4. All a pilot needs to do isto tune to radio transmitters and he will get direction signals he needs. 5. One of the problems scientists are working at is to transmit energy to space stations by using lasers. 6. Laser provides a light beam intensive enough to vaporize the hardest and most heat-resistant materials. 7. A hypersonic aircraft will require complicated cooling measures because of the extreme temperatures involved. 8. A new electronic device to be installed in the car’s panel will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left. 9. The hardest materi_als a laser beam is aimed at vaporize within a fraction of a second.10. Aircraft designers are interested in all kinds of new materials that are strong enough to be used for high-speed airliners. 11. Noise and vibration are also the problems to be faced by design_ers of hypersonic crafts. 12. Besides, there is one more problem to be studied — that of surface cooling. 13. The ordinary aircraft win_dows would make the future superliner structure too weak to with_stand great stresses developed. 14. Every student of Cambridge is to go to his tutor once a week to discuss with him the work done.

Exercise 11.Define parts of speech of the following words.

encode, capacity, disintegrate, emission, widen, intensive, in_credible, defence, stranger, reality, strengthen, fulfilment, inde_structible, amplifica-tion, substance, entirely, vaporize.

Exercise 12.Name the derivatives of the following words and translate them.

limit, transmit, approximate, success, science, relate.

Exercise 13.Find:

а) synonyms

rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out, approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility

b) antonyms

further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, inca_pable, powerful, heating, inside.

Exercise 14. Read and translate the text without consulting dictionary.

То understand why light from the laser is so concentrated, you must know that light travels in waves. Ordinary white light is made up of many wavelengths travelling in every direction. Laser light is essentially of one wavelength, with all the waves moving in one direction. Because the laser wavelengths intensify each other, they can remain in an unbelievably straight beam for a long distance. Al_most any substance can be forced to “lase” if you work hard enough with it. Gas lasers give off continuous beams of light. Tiny semi_conductor lasers may be especially useful in computers for trans_mitting signals to replace the use of cables. Many lasers can give off invisible radiation, either infrared or ultraviolet.

Exercise 15.Look through the text and answer the questions.

1. What is this text about? 2. What does the word “laser” mean? 3. What is a laser, is it a device or some phenomenon? 4. Who was the first to write about lasers? 5. What writer from this country wrote a book about a laser? 6. What is its principle of operation? 7. What light is produced by a la_ser? 8. What can be done by means of a laser? 9. What materials can be treated with a laser? 10. What is the most promising use of lasers? 11. What prevents putting into effect the projects to use lasers more widely in space?

Task III.Read and translate the text.

Читайте також:

  1. Exercise
  2. Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle Constructions in different syntactic functions.
  3. Exercise 4
  4. Exercise 8
  5. Exercise № 4

Переглядів: 1999

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