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Synthetic Fabric Uses

Many synthetic fabrics have found their way into trendy fashion garments. These fabrics come in brighter colors and are more economical. In industrial uses, synthetic fabrics have taken its place. They have replaced traditional materials from super-absorbent diapers to artificial organs. Engineered non-woven fabrics are also found in surgical applications like gowns and apparel interfacing.

Man-made fibers for fabrics were first experimented in the late 1800s. Du Pont, a chemist, discovered laboratory-synthesized fiber, nylon. He transformed common materials like coal, air, and water into fibers whose qualities were far better than natural fibers.

Synthetic fabrics are textiles made from synthetic fibers. They are used primarily to make clothing. Synthetic fabrics have a long and distinguished uses in a number of products, starting from the fashion apparels and dress materials, the wash and wear fabric to the home furnishings upholstery and draperies.

Depending on the fabric, chemicals and dyes are added to make the fabric wrinkle free, softer, water resistant, flame-resistant, stain-resistant, and moth-repellant.



Acrylic Fabric

Acrylic is a fine, soft and luxurious fabric with a good drape-able quality. It gives warmth without weight. Acrylic fabric is traditionally a fall/winter fabric with a resemblance to wool. It dyes well, taking color beautifully. The fabric breathes; it absorbs and releases moisture quickly. It is comfortable to wear and is a easy care fabric. It resists moths, oil and chemicals, and also the sunlight degradation.

Acrylic fabric was first developed by DuPont in 1944 and in 1950 it was commercially produced for the first time. Initially it was used for outdoor purposes but with the advancement of technology, acrylic has come a long way, and is now commonly used in apparel and carpets.

Process of making Acrylic Fabric

Acrylic fabric is produced from petrochemical known as acrylontrile. The fibers produced from acrylontrile are either dry spun or wet spun. In the dry spinning process, the polymers are dissolved in a suitable solvent, which is forcefully pushed into warm air for solidification by the evaporation of the solvent. After the spinning part is over, it is stretched hot from 3 to 10 times of its original length and then crimped.

In the wet spinning process, the polymer is dissolved in solvent and extruded into a coagulating bath. It is then dried, crimped and collected as tow.

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  2. Advantages of Bamboo and Bamboo Fabric
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  4. Bamboo Fabric
  5. Bamboo Fabric in Non-Woven Industry
  6. Characteristics of Acrylic Fabric
  7. Characteristics of Leather Fabric
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  9. Characteristics of Lycra Fabric
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What is Synthetic Fabric? | Characteristics of Acrylic Fabric

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