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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Зміна часів у підрядному додатковому реченні при головному реченні у минулому
Present Simple → Past Simple Present Continuous → Past Continuous Дія підрядного речення відбувається одночасно з дією головного
Present Perfect → Past Perfect Past Perfect → Past Perfect Дія підрядного речення передує дії головного
Future → Future in – the - Past Дія підрядного речення відбувається пізніше, ніж дія головного
Вживаючи прості речення в ролі підрядних додаткових при головному реченні в минулому часі, змінюйте часи, як зазначено в таблиці
Sequence of Tenses
He lives in New York. I thought that he lived in New York.   Mother is sleeping. I knew that mother was sleeping. Одночасна дія     Одночасна дія
He has returned from London. I was told that he had returned from London. He bought a new car. I heard that he had bought a new car. Дія, що передує   Дія, що передує
He will send us a letter. I supposed that he would send us a letter. Наступна дія

1. Mind the sequences of tenses.

Model:He said: “I am busy now.”

He said (that) he was busy then.


1) She said: “I don’t know him well enough to discuss the question with him.”

2) He said: “Its time for a cup of coffee.”

3) I asked them: “Do you like to read books about animals?”

4) She asked the boys: “Do you want to stay and help us with our work?”

5) The little girl said: “I like to watch TV.”

6) My friend asked me: “Are you free now?”

7) She asked me: “Do you have enough money for a meal?”

8) He said: “We shall talk about it some other time.”

9) He asked: “What will you do with the money?”

10) I said: “I shall buy myself a watch.”

11) He asked: “Will an hour be enough to look through the article once again?”

12) She said: “ We shall be glad to see you on Sunday”.


2. Open the brackets.

1) Mother said that uncle Ted (to come) for a visit and (to bring) his little son.

2) She knew she (to be) right, (to be) right from the very beginning.

3) He promised everything (to be) right.

4) He felt that somebody (to watch) him.

5) He wondered how much she (to know).

6) She said carelessly that she (to make) her change her mind, once she (to change) it but hat at present she still ( to examine) the facts.

7) I asked Ann who else (to come) to the party.

8) We thought that as she (to leave) next week she (to come) to say good-buy.

9) That is what I (to tell) already your friend.

10) I thought you (to like) him.

11) I looked at him again. He not (to listen) to me, he only (to pretend) to.

12) There were few people on the platform. All who (to travel) (to take) their seats.

13) He (to travel with his friend who (to go out) to buy a magazine and he was sure the man (to be left) behind.


3. Open the brackets and use the right time.

1) My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.

2) He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.

3) I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

4) I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.

5) I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man.

6) I want to know what he (has brought, had brought0 for her birthday.

7) I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.

8) He said he (is staying, was staying) at the “Ritz” Hotel.

9) They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark.

10) He asked me where I (study, studied).

11) I thought that I (shall finfish, should finish) my work at that time.

12) He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago.

13) Victor said he (is, was) very busy.


4. Read and translate the sentences.

1) You will come late. They will be having dinner.

2) We know she has done nothing to be ashamed of.

3) I wonder if you realize how difficult it is.

4) Nick asked himself if they had sent for him because they knew he was an American agent.

5) We knew Ann was leaving early next day, tat she was packing her things upstairs now and that we should probably never see her again.

6) I was told that a new governess was coming next week and that until then my sister would give us lessons herself.

7) We didn’t ask anyone what they had decided.

8) It was clear that that something had gone wrong we should be late.

9) It was announced in all the papers that the woman had disappeared and that the police was looking for her.

10) I saw that he was trying to explain why he had not come in time.

11) She said carelessly that nothing would make her change her mind, once she had changed it but that at present she was examining the facts.


Читайте також:

  1. Continuous Tenses (Active)
  2. Indefinite Tenses (Active)
  3. IV Analyze verb-forms and translate the following sentences. Match the verb-forms with their tenses in Active or Passive Voice.
  4. Microprogram Sequencer For A Control Memory
  5. Passive Voice - Continuous and Perfect Tenses
  6. Passive Voice - Indefinite Tenses
  7. Perfect tenses (Active)
  10. Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) в Indefinite Tenses
  11. Відмінювання дієслова to have / have got в Indefinite Tenses

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