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Exercise 1

How do you like the following foods prepared? Use phrases from the list. What do you like to put on the foods from the list in the box?

a leg of chicken eggs potatoes cheese

a fillet of cod prawns mushrooms sausages

salt pepper vinegar mustard soya sauce ketchup mayonnaise lemon juice oil

Exercise 2

Match the method of cooking with its definition.

1.baking a) (a) cooking in steam; used for puddings, fish, etc.
2.boiling b) (b) the term used in meat cookery by which the meat is first browned, then has a small quantity of water added
3.braising c) (c) cooking meat or fruit in a small amount of water and its own juice
4.frying d) (d) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at a temperature lower than 100°C
5.roasting e) (e) cooking in fat; used for chips, doughnuts, etc.
6.simmering f) (f) the food is placed in the oven, used for preparing cakes, breads
7.steaming g) (g) is done by placing the food in the oven or over coals and cooking until it is tender
8.stewing h) (h) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at 100°C.

Exercise 3

Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

add beat cool grate heat melt peel pour slice sprinkle bake boil poach steam fry

a) ……… the potatoes and ……… them thinly.

b) ……… the eggs in a bowl, and then ………. them to the mixture.

c) ……… the butter in a saucepan and ……… gently for two minutes.

d) ……… the mixture into a bowl and leave to ……. .

e) ……… some cheese, and ……….. over the potatoes.

f) You can ………. an egg by cooking it in boiling water without its shell.

g) You can ………. an egg by cooking it in boiling water with its shell.

h) To ……… vegetables, cook them in a covered container over boiling water.

i) To ……….. chicken, cook it in a pan of hot oil.

j) To ……….. bread, cook it in the oven for about forty minutes.

Читайте також:

  1. Additional Exercise
  2. Exercise
  3. Exercise 1
  4. Exercise 1
  5. Exercise 1
  6. Exercise 1
  7. Exercise 1
  8. Exercise 1
  9. Exercise 1
  10. Exercise 1
  11. Exercise 1

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COOKING | Exercise 4

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