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Writing activities

Ex.11. ?Look through the guidelines how to write music analyses. Then read the analysis below. Which of the guidelines did the author follow in writing his essay? Make an outline of the analysis.


· You may wish to begin your analysis by examining your chosen piece carefully from beginning to end. It is often unwise, however, merely to present this beginning-to-end analysis in your essay; such blow-by-blow analyses are usually tedious to read and seem pointless.

· When analyzing vocal music in foreign languages, avoid using text translations that appear in the score; such translations are always inaccurate in meaning. Instead, obtain independent, literal translations.

· One of the principal aims of the essay, however, is to lead you to think and write critically about music – difficult skills, but central to your career as an educated musician. You should not, therefore, shy away from pursuing your own thoughts about the music you are analyzing.

· You should normally use present-tense verbs for analysis, past tenses for historical narrative, for example:

The first movement opens with two abrupt E-flat major chords. The theme that followscomprises two motives, both of which outline the tonic triad.

Although Beethoven erased the symphony's dedication to Napoleon, his admiration for Bonaparte seems not to have vanished completely.

· Proper titles are usually given in their original languages, at least for the more "usual" languages (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Latin). Titles in less usual languages should usually be translated into English.

Bartók's Duke Bluebeard's Castle (not Bartók's A Kékszakállú herceg vára)

· Generic titles are capitalized, but are neither italicized nor set in quotation marks. You should usually give generic titles of compositions in English. Generic titles of movements, however, should appear in their original languages.

Beethoven's Symphony no. 5, op. 67

· If you use foreign (especially Italian) musical terms, avoid rendering them grammatically awkward by anglicizing them. The words forte and piano, for instance, are adjectives ("loud," "soft"); to turn them into English nouns by writing of "recurring fortes" or "delicate pianos" is incorrect.

· When writing a music analysis follow the plan below:

1) Some information about the author and the origin of the music piece under analysis;

2) Describe the structure of the piece (introduction; the first, second movement; the climax of the piece; )

3) The fate of the piece.


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Переглядів: 486

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Ex.10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ | Dmitry Shostakovich

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