III Questions for discussion
1. What are the five ingredients of fashion?
2. At what stages can ornamentation be achieved?
3. When may a dying process occur?
4. What techniques are performed to produce designs in coloured stitches?
5. What are the possibilities of horizontal striping?
6. What effect is achieved with the method of intarsia?
7. Which structures is plating widely used for?
8. What types of plating are there?
9. What is the most versatile method of knitting in colour?
10. How does a stitch selection occur?
IV Render the text in a written form
Comprehensive Skills
I Mind the following words and word-combinations
1. cam track [kæm træk] - робоча поверхня кулачка
2. cluster [ˈklʌstə] - блок
3. differentiated selection [ˌdɪfəˈrenʃɪeɪtɪd sɪˈlekʃən] - диференційований вибір
4. elaborated [ɪ'læb(ə)reɪtɪd] - вишуканий
5. multilevel [ˈmʌltɪˈlevl] - багаторівневий
II Listen to the text «Selection Systems» and be ready to answer the questions
How many types of selecting systems are mentioned? What are they?
III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false
1. The needles provided with multilevel butts are the mostly used in patterning.
2. Needle selection is a possible facility on circular knitting machines.
3. The track of cams is not important in patterning.
4. On Jacquard selection systems both the clusters of needles and separate needles can act independently.
5. Different stitches are formed during the process of pattern formation.
UNIT 14. The four primary base weft knitted structures
I Read and remember the words and their translation
1. alternate ['ɔːltəneɪt]– чергуватися
2. arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt] - розташування
3. course[kɔ:s]– петельний ряд
4. edge [edʒ] - кромка
5. extension [ɪksˈtenʃən] – розтягування
6. hide [haɪd] - ховатися
7. lengthwise [ˈleŋθwaɪz] - вздовж
8. neighboring [neɪbərɪŋ] - сусідні
9. release [rɪˈli:s] - відпускати
10. roll/сurl [rəul] [kə:l] – скручуватися
11. shrink [ʃrɪŋk] - збігатися
12. stitch [stɪtʃ] – стовпчик
13. wale [weɪl] – петельний стовпчик
14. widthwise [wɪdиwaɪz] - по ширині
Читайте також: - A. Listen to James describing his family situation and answer the questions.
- Add question-tags and give full answers to the questions.
- Answer the following questions
- Answer the following questions about the text.
- Answer the following questions about yourself, your friends and your ideas about friendship.
- Answer the following questions.
- Answer the following questions.
- Answer the following questions.
- Answer the following review questions
- Answer the questions
- Answer the questions
- Answer the questions about the pictures.
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