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Knitting methods

Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth. Knitting consists of loops called stitches pulled through each other.

Knitting may be done by hand or by machine. There are numerous styles and methods in hand knitting. Some of these produce an entirely different end-product; some produce very similar results. Flat knitting, which is done on two straight needles, produces a length of cloth, while circular knitting, which is done on circular or double-pointed needles, produces a seamless tube.

Different yarns and knitting needles may be used to achieve different end products, by giving the final piece of different colour, texture, weight or integrity.

Knitted fabrics are very elastic. It was taken into consideration during their historical use in stockings and other clothing that requires changes in shape. Dresses made from knitted fabrics can be more form fitting than the same ones made from a woven fabric. Knit fabrics can stretch from 0 to 500%, depending on their material and knitting pattern. However, a woven fabric made of a stretchable material such as

Lycra can deform more than knitted one.

Knitted fabrics resist wrinkles better than wovens, but do not generally take a crease. Knitted fabrics are generally warmer and more comfortable than woven a fabric, that is why they are worn closer to the body. Moreover, knitted fabrics are often made of wool, which stays warm even when wet; wool is preferred since it is more elastic than most fibre s and produces more even, beautiful knits.


Unit 6

Blends and mixtures

A fabric made from more than one type of fibre is known as a blend or a mixture. This combines the good performance characteristics of the fibres and reduces the effect of the less desirable ones. In some cases, the cost of the fabric produced is less than if one type of fibre was used.

A blend is when the fibres are mixed together before the yarn is spun. The different types of fibres are distributed evenly throughout the fabric.

A mixture is when one fibre is spun into a yarn for the warp threads, and a different fibre is spun to make the weft threads. The mixing occurs during the weaving process.

School or work shirts are often made from a polyester and cotton blend. The cotton fibres make the fabrics more absorbent than if 100% polyester was used. This means that the garment is more comfortable to wear. The cotton fibres also make the fabric feel better.

Unit 7

Читайте також:

  2. Coloured stitch designs in weft knitting
  3. Computerized Knitting
  4. Data Collection Methods for Market Research
  5. Demo 11: Access Methods (методи доступу)
  6. History of warp knitting
  7. I Listen to the text «Computerized Knitting». Decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the wrong statements
  8. I. Text A: «Metals», Text B: «Steel», Text C: «Methods of steel heat treatment»
  9. Knitting elements
  10. Knitting machines
  11. Knitting machines

Переглядів: 752

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