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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

History of warp knitting

Two names, William Lee and Karl Mayer are considerably related with the commencement of warp knitting. In 1589 William Lee applied for patent of his first machine for making knitted articles, in that way he laid the foundations for mechanical manufacturing and making the technical base to develop warp knitting technology.

In 1947, the insightful entrepreneur and mechanic, Karl Mayer showed off first warp knitting loom. The FM 48 compiled two guide bars, and with bearded needles, attained a speed of 200 rpm. It marked the starting of technical era in pioneering leaps in the field of warp knitting.

Karl Mayer, in 1953 launched his company's first raschel loom into the factories. This warp knitting machine was working with up to four guide bars, used a four-roll take up system to allow fabric beams alterations without stopping the machine. It had a pattern-box with pattern discs or chain elements. The technology of these high-performing warp knitting machines was enhanced from one generation to the other, considering to improvise the product technology, equipping for added facilities like blind lap tools for producing knitted plisse, or sinkers with two pieces, and easily movable sinkers or pattern pressers.

The market witnessed inventions of new machines in the year 1954, the first elastic raschel machine and first tulle raschel knitting machine. In 1955 'Super Garant' series marked its name on the market. 1956 saw the first warp knitted lace machine, featuring 12 guide bars. First curtain raschel machine was introduced in

1958 and first carpet raschel machine in 1959. The success story continued in 1967 with a launch of the first fall plate multibar raschel machine and jacquard raschel machine weft insertion, along with other series.

Following gradual developments led more diversity into the product range of lace raschel machines. A significant move in this process was the execution of the jacquard theory in warp knitting. The lace raschel machines were working with nearly 57 guide bars by the year 1981. This series was first ever set with an electronic control system. In the starting of 80s, the summator, an electromechanical pattern guide bar control was introduced. The summator included slide elements, featuring defined curves on the end surfaces. Now, a pattern control computer conquest the work of supervising the pattern guide bars.

For a long period this technology was followed in the 'Jacquardtronic' and 'Textronic' series of lace raschel machines, with up to 78 guide-bars. Alike these developments, enhance also had been witnessed on the ground of automatic warp knitting machines.


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Quality of knit fabrics | The knitwear design process and the use of sources of inspiration

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